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Iroha Pad: A Waka Composing and Playing Interface Using the Anagram of the Iroha Poem

机译:Iroha Pad:使用Iroha诗的字谜的Waka作曲和演奏界面



We propose "Iroha Pad'', a waka composing and playing interface using the anagram of the iroha poem that is a Japanese traditional pangram. This system supports users who have less literacy of Japanese literature for composing and appreciation of a waka. Users anagrammatize the iroha poem on 8 by 8 grid and make phrases of a waka like playing a puzzle. A waka is composed by arranging made phrases according to traditional waka styles. Each character of the composed waka is assigned a musical note of Japanese traditional musical scales. Users can appreciate the composed waka by playing sounds of characters of the composed waka like playing musical instruments.
机译:我们提出了“ Iroha Pad”,这是一种瓦卡语作曲和演奏界面,使用的是日本传统的八卦中的伊洛瓦诗歌的七巧板。该系统支持对日本文学知识较少的用户进行瓦卡语的作文和欣赏。 iroha诗以8乘8格排列,使waka的短语像玩拼图一样,waka由传统的waka风格排列制成的短语组成,组成的waka的每个字符都分配有日本传统音阶的音符。可以像演奏乐器一样通过演奏和歌的角色声音来欣赏和歌。



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