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Conservation philosophy in action: examples of structural intervention in the United Kingdom and the export of national practices




This paper states principles of structural conservation as held in the UK, examines them in the context of project examples within the country and looks at recent cases where the same ideas have been applied to projects overseas. It concludes by asking how our own national techniques should be translated to other countries. The origin of conservation philosophy and principles in the UK is examined, beginning with the nineteenth century activist William Morris. The basic principles considered include an options appraisal, the principle of reversibility and need to keep faith with use of original materials and load paths. The application of principles is briefly examined through projects that include conservation in the Palace of Westminster, ironwork repairs at Tynemouth Station in Newcastle, new facilities at Wells Cathedral and the restoration of the landscape around Chiswick House in London. The export of these principles is examined through projects on stone buildings in Abu Dhabi and Trinidad. The paper concludes that the UK approach may vary slightly from others because of a background of low seismic activity and simple interventions, but that international practice remains a balanced skill, marketable across frontiers.
机译:本文阐述了英国所遵循的结构保护原则,并在该国的项目实例中对其进行了考察,并研究了在最近的案例中将相同的思想应用于海外项目的情况。最后,我们提出了如何将我们自己的本国技术转化为其他国家的问题。从19世纪的激进主义者威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)开始,研究了英国保护哲学和原则的起源。所考虑的基本原则包括期权评估,可逆性原则以及需要保持对原始材料和装载路径的使用的信心。通过包括威斯敏斯特宫的保护,纽卡斯尔的泰恩茅斯站的铁器维修,威尔斯大教堂的新设施以及伦敦奇斯威克故居周围的景观修复等项目,对原则的应用进行了简要的审查。通过在阿布扎比和特立尼达的石材建筑项目对这些原则的输出进行了审查。本文得出的结论是,由于地震活动低和干预简单的背景,英国的方法可能与其他方法略有不同,但是国际惯例仍然是一种平衡的技能,可以在各个领域推销。



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