首页> 外文会议>23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems >SmartDiet: A personal diet consultant for healthy meal planning

SmartDiet: A personal diet consultant for healthy meal planning




Effective personal dietary guidelines are essential for health management and preventing chronic diseases. The objective of this research is to achieve nutrient-balanced food recommendations for each individual, while considering individual's requirements at the same time. To reach this goal, we developed a location-aware interactive diet consultant named SmartDiet based on the multi-objective optimization. The proposed personalized diet planning approach not only translates nutrient recommendations into realistic dish choices, but also accepts feedbacks from users to fine-tune their meal plans. The results showed that daily nutrition needs can be fulfilled by the designated meals, and the interactive diet planning scheme helps a user adjust the plan in an easier way. The guidelines generated by SmartDiet are expected to potentially improve the overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases of individuals.
机译:有效的个人饮食指南对于健康管理和预防慢性疾病至关重要。这项研究的目的是在为每个人提供营养均衡的食物建议的同时,同时考虑他们的需求。为了实现这一目标,我们基于多目标优化开发了一个名为SmartDiet的位置感知交互式饮食顾问。拟议的个性化饮食计划方法不仅可以将营养建议转化为现实的菜肴选择,还可以接受用户的反馈以微调其饮食计划。结果表明,指定的膳食可以满足日常营养需求,并且交互式饮食计划方案可以帮助用户以更轻松的方式调整计划。 SmartDiet生成的指南有望改善整体健康状况,并降低个人患慢性病的风险。



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