首页> 外文会议>IEEE international conference on advanced management science;IEEE ICAMS 2010 >Innovative Strategies of Construction and Optimization of Time Division Network -Based on the Study of China Mobile Communications Corporation

Innovative Strategies of Construction and Optimization of Time Division Network -Based on the Study of China Mobile Communications Corporation




This paper makes use of SWOT to analyze Time Division(TD) operations of China Mobile and discusses the problems and challenges faced by TD network construction and optimization combined with the group's overall strategy and the current immature status of TD industrial chain, makes it clear of the important role of innovation in construction and optimization of TD network. Combined with actual work, this paper puts forward a number of innovative proposals and implementation plan in order to carry out innovation for the TD network construction and optimization. In the process of TD network construction and optimization in the future, through the implementation of these innovations, the experience of the TD users of 3G business advantage can be greatly enhanced and the needs of TD users can be met timely and effectively, which has great significance for the solving current problems encountered with by the TD network.



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