首页> 外文会议>Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association;IRPA 12 >Regulatory Assessment of the Use, Subsequent Dose and Health Risks posed by Tritium in Canada

Regulatory Assessment of the Use, Subsequent Dose and Health Risks posed by Tritium in Canada




A number of licensees of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) either produce tritium oruse it as part of laboratory studies or commercial processes. Most notably are the CANDU (CANada DeuteriumUranium) nuclear power reactors, which use heavy water (deuterium oxide) as part of their moderator and heattransport systems and, as a consequence, produce more tritium than any other commercial power reactor. Inaddition, there are a number of auxiliary uses of tritium in Canada including the production of self-illuminatinglights frequently used in exit signs, tracers in laboratory studies, and for reserve estimation in oil and gasexploration, all of which release tritium into the environment. As a consequence, the health risks attributed totritium are an important consideration in Canada and are frequently raised during public hearings of the Tribunalof the CNSC and as a result, the Tribunal has charged CNSC staff to report on a number of issues related to theuse, resultant dose, drinking water standards, health risk and environmental consequences of tritium. Some ofthese studies are already complete and so this discussion will provide an overview of the use of and doses due totritium in Canada, a review of international drinking water standards, and a preliminary overview of the CNSC’sassessment of the health risks posed by tritium.
机译:加拿大核安全委员会(CNSC)的许多被许可人生产produce或 将其用作实验室研究或商业流程的一部分。最著名的是CANDU(加拿大氘 铀核动力反应堆,其使用重水(氧化氘)作为调节剂和热量的一部分 运输系统产生的produce比其他任何商用电力反应堆都多。在 此外,加拿大还有许多auxiliary的辅助用途,包括自发光的生产 出口标志,实验室研究中的示踪剂以及石油和天然气储量估算中经常使用的照明灯 勘探,所有这些都会将tri释放到环境中。结果,健康风险归因于 Canada是加拿大的重要考虑因素,经常在法庭的公开听证会上提出 因此,法庭指控CNSC工作人员报告与 使用、,的剂量,饮用水标准,health的健康风险和环境后果。一些 这些研究已经完成,因此,本次讨论将概述由于 in,对国际饮用水标准的审查,以及对中海油的初步概述 评估tri造成的健康风险。



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