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Identification and characterization of NORM industries in Belgium




An overview of the NORM issue in the Belgium industry is given, mainly based on a study on behalfof ONDRAF/NIRAS, the Belgian agency for radioactive waste. The phosphate industry, which was identified asthe main source of enhanced natural radioactivity, is mainly located in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium. Thefive Flemish phosphate plants handled, from 1920 to 2006, 60 Mton of phosphate ore containing 72 TBq ofuranium-238 (radium-226) and 3.5 TBq of thorium-232. This resulted in a vast legacy of 500 ha of contaminatedsites. In the non-ferro industry high activity-concentrations of the thorium decay series were identified withcassiterite (tin ore). Zircon sands with high uranium concentrations are applied for the production of precisioncasting molds. Almost every industry with a large turnover of materials has some problems with NORM, becauseof the selective concentration of certain radionuclides in by-products, residues or product streams. Examples of ablast furnace and a coal-fired power plant are given. In these cases the natural radioactivity is concentrated in blastfurnace slag or fly ash, both of which are used as input material in the cement industry. The extraction andpurification of ground water was also identified as a potential source for generating NORM sludges. Finally,ample remains from past NORM practices exist. A number of historical sites, including a former mining area ofalum shale in the valley of the Meuse, several coal mining sites, a coltan processing site in Ghent and a radiumfacility in Olen were contaminated before present standards of radiological protection were developed.
机译:概述了比利时行业的NORM问题,主要基于代表进行的一项研究 比利时放射性废物机构ONDRAF / NIRAS的成员。磷酸盐行业,被确定为 天然放射性增强的主要来源主要位于比利时北部的法兰德斯。这 从1920年至2006年,五家佛兰德磷酸盐厂处理了60吨含72 TBq的磷酸盐矿石。 铀238(半径226)和3.5 TBq的-232。这造成了500公顷受污染的巨大遗产 网站。在非铁工业中,with衰变系列的高活性浓度被确定为 锡石(锡矿石)。高铀浓度的锆石砂被用于生产精密 铸造模具。几乎每个物料周转量很大的行业都存在NORM问题,因为 副产物,残留物或产物流中某些放射性核素的选择性浓度一个例子 给出了高炉和燃煤电厂。在这些情况下,自然放射性集中在爆炸中 炉渣或粉煤灰,在水泥工业中均用作进料。提取和 地下水的净化也被认为是产生NORM污泥的潜在来源。最后, 过去的NORM做法存在大量遗留物。许多历史遗迹,包括以前的采矿区 默兹河谷中的明矾页岩,数个煤矿场,根特的a钽铁矿石加工场和镭 在制定当前的放射防护标准之前,奥伦的设施已被污染。



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