
High-performance 3D Compressive Sensing MRI reconstruction




Compressive Sensing (CS) is a nascent sampling and reconstruction paradigm that describes how sparse or compressible signals can be accurately approximated using many fewer samples than traditionally believed. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), where scan duration is directly proportional to the number of acquired samples, CS has the potential to dramatically decrease scan time. However, the computationally expensive nature of CS reconstructions has so far precluded their use in routine clinical practice - instead, more-easily generated but lower-quality images continue to be used. We investigate the development and optimization of a proven inexact quasi-Newton CS reconstruction algorithm on several modern parallel architectures, including CPUs, GPUs, and Intel''s Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture. Our (optimized) baseline implementation on a quad-core Core i7 is able to reconstruct a 256×160×80 volume of the neurovasculature from an 8-channel, 10× undersampled data set within 56 seconds, which is already a significant improvement over existing implementations. The latest six-core Core i7 reduces the reconstruction time further to 32 seconds. Moreover, we show that the CS algorithm benefits from modern throughput-oriented architectures. Specifically, our CUDA-base implementation on NVIDIA GTX480 reconstructs the same dataset in 16 seconds, while Intel''s Knights Ferry (KNF) of the MIC architecture even reduces the time to 12 seconds. Such level of performance allows the neurovascular dataset to be reconstructed within a clinically viable time.
机译:压缩感测(CS)是一种新兴的采样和重构范例,它描述了如何使用比传统上相信的少得多的样本来精确地估计稀疏或可压缩信号。在磁共振成像(MRI)中,扫描持续时间与获取的样本数量成正比,CS具有显着减少扫描时间的潜力。但是,到目前为止,CS重建的计算成本很高,因此无法在常规临床实践中使用它们-而是更容易生成但质量较低的图像仍在使用。我们研究了在几种现代并行体系结构(包括CPU,GPU和Intel的Many Integrated Core(MIC)体系结构)上经过验证的不精确的准牛顿CS重建算法的开发和优化。我们在四核Core i7上的(优化)基线实现能够在56秒内从8通道,10倍欠采样数据集中重建256×160×80体积的神经脉管系统,这已经是对现有技术的重大改进实现。最新的六核Core i7将重建时间进一步缩短至32秒。此外,我们证明了CS算法受益于面向吞吐量的现代体系结构。具体来说,我们在NVIDIA GTX480上基于CUDA的实现可在16秒内重建相同的数据集,而采用MIC架构的英特尔Knights Ferry(KNF)甚至可以将时间缩短至12秒。这样的性能水平允许在临床上可行的时间内重建神经血管数据集。



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