首页> 外文会议>24th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum >Measurement of field emission current during switching of capacitive current in vacuum

Measurement of field emission current during switching of capacitive current in vacuum




To check the dielectric behavior of vacuum interrupters after capacitive current interruption and find the reasons for possible restrikes, measurements of field emission current during the recovery voltage is performed. An experimental set-up is built up for current interruption test and dielectric measurement. This set-up allows the measurement of very small field emission current in the range of some 10 µA to some mA. A special measurement current shunt is developed for this measurement. To measure the field emission current compensation of the capacitive component of the current which flows due to the stray capacitance of the vacuum interrupter is necessary. In some cases the capacitive component of the current is even much higher than the field emission current. To compensate the capacitive component hardware (electronic, on-line) compensation as well as software compensation (off-line) is developed. Furthermore, with the help of recovery voltage and field emission current measurements for every half cycle of the recovery voltage the Fowler-Nordheim-Equation (FNE) is used to evaluate the field enhancement factor and the emitting areas, which are indicators for the surface condition of the contacts and possibly for the dielectric behavior of the interrupter.
机译:为了检查电容性电流中断后真空断路器的介电性能,并找出可能引起干扰的原因,在恢复电压期间进行了场发射电流的测量。建立了用于电流中断测试和介电测量的实验装置。这种设置可以测量非常小的场发射电流,范围在10 µA到mA之间。为此测量开发了一种特殊的测量电流分流器。为了测量场发射电流,需要补偿由于真空灭弧室的杂散电容而流动的电流的电容分量。在某些情况下,电流的电容性分量甚至远高于场发射电流。为了补偿电容组件,开发了硬件(电子,在线)补偿以及软件补偿(离线)。此外,借助于恢复电压和恢复电压每半个周期的场发射电流测量,Fowler-Nordheim方程(FNE)用于评估场增强因子和发射面积,这是表面状况的指标触头的位置,可能还会影响断路器的介电性能。



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