
Proppant: A Hot Commodity in Short Supply!!!




Proppant is defined as sized particles mixed with fracturing fluid to hold fracturesopen after a hydraulic fracturing treatment. Proppant materials are carefully sortedfor size and sphericity to provide an efficient conduit for production of fluid fromthe reservoir to the wellbore1. These “sized particles” are commonly referred to asFrac Sand, Northern White, White, Brown, Brady, Resin Coated, Ceramic orBauxite, but whatever you want to call them, proppant has become such a hotcommodity that the entire oil & gas industry has stopped to take notice.During the entire decade of the 1990s, frac sand was basically a zero growthindustry. The frac sand market ended the decade at about the same annual volumeor mass that began the decade, slightly less than 3 billion pounds (1.5 million tons).On the other hand, the growth market in the 90s was the resin coated and ceramicproppant manufacturers, which more than doubled their annual market output, buteven that was still less than 1 billion pounds (500 thousand tons)2 combined.However, when the decade of the 90s ended it delivered not only a new decade buta new century. With it came unprecedented growth in the proppant market. As aresult, in the first decade of the 21st century, nine out of ten years demonstratedconstant growth across all proppant markets; sand, resin coat and ceramic.What drives the growth, what proppants are in demand, and is the demandsustainable? Unfortunately, there is no clear cut answer to the last question, butthis paper will at least try to identify some of the mechanisms to better facilitate thebest thing going, the educated guess.
机译:支撑剂定义为与压裂液混合以保持裂缝的大颗粒 水力压裂处理后打开。支撑材料经过精心分类 尺寸和球形度提供了一个有效的管道,用于从中生产流体 井筒储层1。这些“大小的粒子”通常称为 压裂砂,北部白,白色,棕色,布雷迪,树脂涂层,陶瓷或 铝土矿,但无论您想称呼它们如何,支撑剂都变得如此炙手可热 整个石油和天然气行业已停止关注的商品。 在1990年代的整个十年中,压裂砂基本上是零增长 行业。压裂砂市场在本十年结束时的年产量大致相同 或开始十年的质量,略低于30亿磅(150万吨)。 另一方面,90年代的增长市场是树脂涂层和陶瓷 支撑剂制造商,其年市场产量增加了一倍以上,但 甚至还不到十亿英镑(50万吨)2。 但是,当90年代十年结束时,它不仅带来了新的十年,而且 新世纪。随之而来的是支撑剂市场的空前增长。作为一个 结果是,在21世纪的前十年,十分之九的时间证明了这一点 所有支撑剂市场的持续增长;砂,树脂涂层和陶瓷。 推动增长的因素,支撑剂的需求以及需求 可持续的?不幸的是,没有最后一个问题的明确答案,但是 本文至少将尝试确定一些机制,以更好地促进 最好的事情,有根据的猜测。



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