首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation >SONIC — Self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler: Comparison of two frequency tracking strategies

SONIC — Self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler: Comparison of two frequency tracking strategies

机译:SONIC —自优化窄带干扰消除器:两种频率跟踪策略的比较



This paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time linear stable plant with unknown and possibly time-varying dynamics. It is assumed that both the instantaneous frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance and its amplitude may be slowly varying with time and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. The proposed disturbance rejection algorithms are extensions of the algorithm proposed earlier for the constant-known-frequency case. The main purpose of this study is to compare cancellation efficiency under two approaches to frequency tracking: parametric (model-based) and nonparametric (based on decomposition of the signal space). We show that, rather surprisingly, a simple parametric scheme yields results that are of similar quality to those obtained using a high-resolution, computationally much more involved, nonparametric (ESPRIT) scheme.



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