首页> 外文会议>First International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing >Modeling of ?' Precipitate Size of IN738LC Using Levenberg–Marquardt Backpropagation Neural Network

Modeling of ?' Precipitate Size of IN738LC Using Levenberg–Marquardt Backpropagation Neural Network




The γȁ9; precipitate size of IN738LC is predicted using a Levenbergȁ3;Marquard back propagation neural network in matlab toolbox. A cast polycrystalline Ni based super alloy IN738LC (a gas turbine material) is considered and the γȁ9; precipitate size is described as a function of 5 variables (solutionizing temperature, solutionizing duration, ageing temperature, ageing duration, and cooling method (furnace cooling, water quenching, induction cooling, salt bath cooling, accelerated air cooling and oil quenching). The model converges very well and accurately predicts the ȁ9; precipitate size. Because first stage gas turbine blades operate at very high and varying temperatures for extended period of time, the prediction of their ȁ9; precipitate size is crucial as ȁ9; precipitate morphology is responsible for most high temperature properties. The model developed in this work can be useful for predicting creep and other mocrstuctural properties at high temperatures.
机译:γȁ9;使用Matlab工具箱中的Levenbergȁ3; Marquard反向传播神经网络预测IN738LC的沉淀尺寸。考虑铸造的多晶Ni基超级合金IN738LC(燃气轮机材料),γȁ9;沉淀物的大小被描述为5个变量的函数(固溶温度,固溶持续时间,时效温度,时效持续时间和冷却方法(炉冷却,水淬,感应冷却,盐浴冷却,加速空气冷却和油淬)。可以很好地收敛并准确地预测ȁ9;沉淀物的大小,因为第一级燃气轮机叶片在非常高的温度和长时间变化下运行,因此其their9的预测;沉淀物的大小对于ȁ9至关重要;沉淀物的形态是造成大多数现象的原因这项工作中开发的模型可用于预测高温下的蠕变和其他结构特性。



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