
The Current Focus on Supporting Small Business: A European Perspective




The importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is attracting increased attention from policy makers, academic researchers and commentators around the world. The major reason for this scrutiny is the significant economic role played by SMEs in every country. A convenient way to describe this economic phenomenon is by way of a crude "9-8-7-6+" rule of thumb. This approximation suggests that, based on official statistics, 90 per cent of all enterprises in a country can be classified as a SME and 80 per cent of these will be in the service sector. In addition, employment in SMEs account for about 70% of the total workforce in the commercial sector and they produce about 60% of total output-capable of being defined in a number of ways. The "+" sign highlights the fact that the SME sector has expanded in recent years and its growth is expected to continue in the future. This paper looks at some current developments and issues relating to SMEs, mainly in Ireland and the EU. Some of these developments reflect the problems facing SMEs in Ireland but it is interesting to suggest that these problems faced SMEs wherever they are located.
机译:中小企业(SME)的重要性正吸引着全球决策者,学术研究人员和评论员的越来越多的关注。进行此项审查的主要原因是每个国家中小型企业在经济中所起的重要作用。描述这种经济现象的简便方法是通过粗略的“ 9-8-7-6 +”经验法则。这种近似值表明,根据官方统计,一个国家中90%的企业都可以归类为SME,其中80%属于服务业。此外,中小型企业的就业约占商业部门总劳动力的70%,它们产生了约60%的总产出,可以通过多种方式定义。 “ +”号凸显了这样一个事实,即中小企业领域近年来有所扩展,并且有望在未来继续增长。本文着眼于一些与中小型企业有关的最新发展和问题,主要是在爱尔兰和欧盟。其中一些事态发展反映了爱尔兰中小企业面临的问题,但有趣的是,这些问题无论位于何处,都面临着中小企业面临的问题。



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