
Square Foot Manufacturing -A progress report




Even today a wide spectrum of common products contains numerous microstructures, either as independent components, or as parts of larger work pieces. The number of applications for these structures with a typical edge length between several microns and a few millimetres is expected to increase in the future [1]. Either scaled machine tools from the conventional mechanical engineering branch or machine tools based on desktop manufacturing concepts can be used for the manufacturing of these structures made of common metallic materials via machining processes. Concerning dimensions and installed capacity these machine tools are approximated to the needs of the desired microstructures, still the functional principles and configurations of conventional machine tools are used. The Institute of Production Engineering at the Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of Federal Armed Forces Hamburg is developing the Square Foot Manufacturing concept, as a trendsetting desktop manufacturing concept [2] to take full advantage of the ecological, economic and technical innovation potentials [3] in the field of micro manufacturing. This paper presents an outline of recent developments.
机译:即使在今天,各种各样的普通产品还是包含大量的微结构,它们既可以作为独立的组件,也可以作为大型工件的一部分。这些边缘典型长度在几微米到几毫米之间的结构的应用数量有望在未来增加[1]。来自常规机械工程部门的按比例缩放的机床或基于台式机制造概念的机床都可以用于通过机加工工艺制造由普通金属材料制成的这些结构。关于尺寸和安装能力,这些机床近似于所需微结构的需求,仍然使用常规机床的功能原理和配置。汉堡联邦武装大学赫尔穆特-施密特大学生产工程学院正在开发平方英尺制造概念,将其作为引领潮流的台式机制造概念[2],以充分利用生态,经济和技术创新潜力[ 3]在微制造领域。本文概述了近期的发展。



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