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Pilot-Scale Testing of Dewatering Equipment for the Lower Fox River




Several technologies exist for dewatering sediment, a key component ofsediment remediation projects that involve sediment removal and disposal. Factors influencingthe type of dewatering system selected include: dewatering costs; availability ofarea for the dewatering process; whether the dewatering equipment needs to be placed ina building and the associated cost for the building; costs for construction of on-site dewateringand disposal facilities; the cost of process additives required (e.g., polymers and/orcoagulants); availability of disposal space on site; and costs for off-site transportation anddisposal of dewatered sediments. Since landfill disposal costs in the United States typicallyrange from $20 to $50 per ton ($22 to $56 per metric ton), minimizing the tonnageof dewatered sediment requiring disposal can result in significant savings for a project, inaddition to increasing the project’s environmental stewardship. For sediment remediationmega-sites such as the Fox River Operable Units (OUs) 2 - 5 in Wisconsin, where approximately3.8 million cubic yards (2.9 million cubic meters) of sediment are targetedfor removal beginning in the spring of 2009, dewatering with membrane filter presses hasbeen selected as the most economical and efficient means of dewatering the sedimentprior to disposal or reuse. A detailed analysis of available sediment data was performedto design an appropriate dewatering system that would be able to accommodate theplanned dredge production rates, variations in material and concentrations, and overallproject schedule. In addition, a pilot-scale bench test was performed using sediment fromselected dredge areas to determine the appropriate filter clothes to be used in the membranepresses; to identify the best chemicals for conditioning (secondary objective) of thesediment; and to verify the number of presses necessary for dewatering. Based on thedata analysis and pilot test, a system of eight membrane filter presses with a total maximumfilter cake production of approximately 14 cubic yards (10.7 cubic meters) per hourwas selected.
机译:存在多种用于沉淀物脱水的技术,沉淀物是沉淀的重要组成部分。 涉及泥沙清除和处置的泥沙修复项目。影响因素 选择的脱水系统类型包括:脱水成本;的可用性 脱水过程区域;是否需要放置脱水设备 建筑物及建筑物的相关费用;现场脱水的建设成本 和处置设施;所需工艺添加剂的成本(例如,聚合物和/或 凝结剂);现场有可用的处置空间;和异地运输的费用,以及 处置脱水的沉积物。由于通常在美国,垃圾掩埋处置费用 每吨20美元至50美元不等(每吨22美元至56美元), 需要处置的脱水沉积物可为项目节省大量资金, 除了增加项目的环境管理。用于泥沙修复 大型站点,例如威斯康星州的Fox River Operaable Units(OUs)2-5 目标是380万立方码(290万立方米)的沉积物 为了从2009年春季开始拆除,采用膜式压滤机进行了脱水 被选为最经济,最有效的沉积物脱水方法 在处置或再利用之前。对可用沉积物数据进行了详细分析 设计合适的脱水系统,以适应 计划的挖泥机生产率,物料和浓度的变化以及总体 项目进度。此外,还使用来自 选定的挖泥区域,以确定要在膜中使用的合适的滤布 压力机找出最佳的化学物质用于调理(次要目标) 沉淀;并验证脱水所需的压力机数量。基于 数据分析和中试,一个由八台膜压滤机组成的系统,总压机最大 每小时约14立方码(10.7立方米)的滤饼产量 被选中。



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