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Surface roughness in rotary ultrasonic machining of stainless steels




Stainless steels have a variety of engineering applications but are difficult to machine. Drilling is a commonly seenmachining technique for stainless steels. Poor thermal conductivity and severe hardening of stainless steels tend tocause high temperature at drilling region and strong cutting force on cutting tools. As a result, drilling efficiency onstainless steels is usually low and lives of cutting tools are usually short. Therefore, more cost-effective drillingprocesses for stainless steels are desirable. Rotary ultrasonic machining (RUM) is one of the nontraditional drillingprocesses. It has been used to drill holes in ceramics, composites, titanium and its alloys. But it has never been usedfor stainless steels. This paper presents results on surface roughness in an experimental investigation into RUM ofstainless steels. Three-variable two-level full factorial design is used for the experiments. Main effects as well asinteraction effects of three process variables (spindle speed, feedrate, and ultrasonic power) on surface roughness arerevealed. Other results of this investigation will be published in a separate paper.
机译:不锈钢具有多种工程应用,但很难加工。钻孔是常见现象 不锈钢的加工技术。不锈钢的导热性差和严重硬化往往会导致 导致钻孔区域温度过高并在切削工具上产生强大的切削力。结果,钻探效率提高了 不锈钢通常很低,切削工具的寿命通常很短。因此,更具成本效益的钻孔 不锈钢的工艺是可取的。旋转超声加工(RUM)是非传统的钻孔方法之一 流程。它已被用来在陶瓷,复合材料,钛及其合金上钻孔。但是它从来没有被使用过 用于不锈钢。本文通过对RUM的RUM进行实验研究,介绍了表面粗糙度的结果 不锈钢。实验使用三变量两级全因子设计。主要效果以及 三种工艺变量(主轴转速,进给速度和超声功率)对表面粗糙度的交互作用是 揭示了。这项调查的其他结果将在另一篇论文中发表。



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