首页> 外文会议>GeoCongress 2008 >Beneficial Reuse of Contaminated Dredge Spoils: Capping of a Harborside Railyard Brownfields Site

Beneficial Reuse of Contaminated Dredge Spoils: Capping of a Harborside Railyard Brownfields Site




New Bedford Harbor (Massachusetts) represents a highly contaminated harbor; PCB laden DMs range from 2 to 10,000 ppm. USEPA cleanup of the harbor is limited to PCB's over 50 ppm, leaving residual contamination over much of the active Port. Maintenance dredging has not occurred for over 50 years, forcing many piers to cease operations due to DM buildup. In order to kick-start needed maintenance dredging, the City of New Bedford embarked on an ambitious plan to dredge the slip adjacent to the City's most active pier - the New Bedford State Pier. Economic disposal of the contaminated dredged DM became the most challenging aspect of the project. After evaluating many options, the City settled upon a plan to beneficially reuse the material at a railyard brownfields site adjacent to the Harbor. Engineering for the project involved designing an efficient method for transferring the material to the railyard site and a scheme for amending the DM to make the material suitable for permanent placement as landscape berms at the railyard. The project was successfully completed, and the reuse of contaminated dredge material in this case also allowed for the rehabilitation and reuse of not one, but two. distressed portions of the New Bedford waterfront.
机译:新贝德福德港(马萨诸塞州)代表着高度污染的港口。载有PCB的DM的范围为2至10,000 ppm。 USEPA对港口的清理仅限于PCB含量超过50 ppm,从而在大部分活动端口上留下残留污染。超过50年未进行维护疏dr,由于DM堆积,许多码头被迫停止运营。为了启动所需的维护疏dr工作,新贝德福德市开始了一项雄心勃勃的计划,以疏通与该市最活跃的码头-新贝德福德州立码头相邻的滑道。污染的疏DM的经济处置成为该项目最具挑战性的方面。在评估了许多选择之后,纽约市制定了一项计划,以有益地重复利用位于海港附近的铁路场棕地的材料。该项目的工程涉及设计一种有效的方法,以将物料转移到铁路站场,并设计一种修改DM的方案,以使物料适合永久性地放置在铁路站场作为景观护堤。该项目已成功完成,在这种情况下,被污染的挖泥船材料的再利用也使一个或两个的修复和再利用成为可能。新贝德福德海滨的受灾地区。



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