
Colibri: Fast Mining of Large Static and Dynamic Graphs




Low-rank approximations of the adjacency matrix of a graph are essential in finding patterns (such as communities) and detecting anomalies. Additionally, it is desirable to track the low-rank structure as the graph evolves over time, efficiently and within limited storage. Real graphs typically have thousands or millions of nodes, but are usually very sparse. However, standard decompositions such as SVD do not preserve sparsity. This has led to the development of methods such as CUR and CMD, which seek a non-orthogonal basis by sampling the columns and/or rows of the sparse matrix.However, these approaches will typically produce overcomplete bases, which wastes both space and time. In this paper we propose the family of Colibri methods to deal with these challenges. Our version for static graphs, Colibri-S, iteratively finds a non-redundant basis and we prove that it has no loss of accuracy compared to the best competitors (CUR and CMD), while achieving significant savings in space and time: on real data, Colibri-S requires much less space and is orders of magnitude faster (in proportion to the square of the number of non-redundant columns). Additionally, we propose an efficient update algorithm for dynamic, time-evolving graphs, Colibri-D. Our evaluation on a large, real network traffic dataset shows that Colibri-D is over 100 times faster than the best published competitor (CMD).
机译:图的邻接矩阵的低秩逼近对于查找模式(例如社区)和检测异常至关重要。另外,期望随着图形随着时间的发展,有效且在有限的存储范围内跟踪低等级结构。实图通常具有数千个或数百万个节点,但通常非常稀疏。但是,标准分解(例如SVD)不能保留稀疏性。这导致了诸如CUR和CMD之类的方法的发展,这些方法通过对稀疏矩阵的列和/或行进行采样来寻求非正交的基础。 但是,这些方法通常会产生不完整的基础,从而浪费了空间和时间。在本文中,我们提出了一系列Colibri方法来应对这些挑战。我们的静态图版本Colibri-S反复发现了一个非冗余的基础,并且证明了与最佳竞争对手(CUR和CMD)相比,它没有准确性方面的损失,同时在空间和时间上实现了显着的节省:在实际数据上,Colibri-S需要的空间要少得多,并且速度要快几个数量级(与非冗余列数的平方成正比)。此外,我们为动态的,随时间变化的图形Colibri-D提出了一种有效的更新算法。我们对大型真实网络流量数据集的评估表明,Colibri-D比最佳发布竞争对手(CMD)快100倍以上。



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