首页> 外文会议>High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 7 >Slag-Refractory Interaction in Slagging Coal Gasifiers

Slag-Refractory Interaction in Slagging Coal Gasifiers




The combustion chamber of slagging coal gasifiers is lined with refractories to protect the steel shell of the gasifier from elevated temperatures and corrosive attack of the coal slag. Refractories composed primarily of Cr_2O_3 have been found most resistant to slag corrosion, but they continue to fail performance requirements. Post-mortem analysis of high-chromia refractory bricks collected from commercial gasifiers suggests that slag penetration and subsequent spalling of refractory are the cause of the short service life of gasifier refractories [1]. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the penetration depth of three slags representative of a wide variety of coals in the United States into chromia-alumina and two high-chromia refractories. Variables tested were refractory-slag combinations and two partial pressures of O_2. Slag penetration depths were measured from spliced images of each refractory. Samples heated to 1470°C for 2 hrs had maximum penetration depths ranging from 1.99±0.15 mm to at least 21.6 mm. Aurex 95P, a high-chromia refractory containing 3.3% phosphorous pentoxide (P_2O_5), showed the least slag penetration of all refractories tested. P_2O_5 likely reacts with CaO and MgO in the slag, forming an immiscible Ca-Mg phosphate phase. The extraction of basic components from slag causes an increase in slag viscosity restricting the molten slag penetration into the refractory.
机译:炉渣气化炉的燃烧室衬有耐火材料,以保护气化炉的钢壳不受高温和煤渣腐蚀的影响。已发现主要由Cr_2O_3组成的耐火材料最耐熔渣腐蚀,但仍无法满足性能要求。从商业气化炉中收集的高氧化铬耐火砖的事后分析表明,炉渣渗透和随后的耐火材料剥落是气化炉耐火材料使用寿命短的原因[1]。进行了实验室测试,以确定代表美国多种煤的三种炉渣渗入氧化铬-氧化铝和两种高氧化铬耐火材料的渗透深度。测试的变量是耐火渣组合和O_2的两个分压。从每个耐火材料的拼接图像测量熔渣渗透深度。加热到1470°C 2小时的样品的最大穿透深度为1.99±0.15毫米至至少21.6毫米。含有3.3%五氧化二磷(P_2O_5)的高氧化铬耐火材料Aurex 95P在所有测试的耐火材料中熔渣渗透率最低。 P_2O_5可能与炉渣中的CaO和MgO反应,形成不混溶的Ca-Mg磷酸盐相。从炉渣中提取基本成分会导致炉渣粘度增加,从而限制了熔融炉渣渗透到耐火材料中。



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