首页> 外文会议>World Pultrusion Conference >'Deep Ocean Environmental Long term Observatory System' - The World's 1st composite sub sea structure - DELOS project

'Deep Ocean Environmental Long term Observatory System' - The World's 1st composite sub sea structure - DELOS project




DELOS - Deep ocean Environmental Long term Observatory System will be a 'World's 1st for composites'. Comprising of two Ocean floor platforms each measuring 8m x 8m x 4.5m tall. Situated at a depth of 1400m, they will be serviced periodically by remotely operated vehicles, which will monitor the deep ocean environment within the vicinity of BP operations in Angola. The deep ocean environment into which BP operations are gradually extending are poorly understood with research surveys regularly discovering new habitats and communities of animals previously unknown to science. The two platforms will be delivered to Ocean Labs in Aberdeen where they will be fitted with the underwater data collection systems from there they will be transported to the BP operations in Angola, with monitoring commencing mid 2008.
机译:DELOS-深海环境长期观测系统将成为“世界上第一套复合材料”。包括两个海底平台,每个平台的高度为8m x 8m x 4.5m。它们位于1400m的深度,将定期由遥控车辆进行维修,这些车辆将监测安哥拉BP作业附近的深海环境。通过研究调查定期发现以前科学还未知的新栖息地和动物群落,人们对BP作业逐渐扩展到的深海环境了解甚少。这两个平台将交付给阿伯丁的海洋实验室,在那里将安装水下数据收集系统,然后将其运至安哥拉的BP运营部门,并从2008年中期开始进行监控。



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