首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 12th International Rapeseed Congress: Sustainable Development in Cruciferous Oilseed Crops Production >Effects of temperature, and age of siliques, on hybrid embryo yield from interspecific crosses between Brassica napus and B. oleracea var. alboglabra

Effects of temperature, and age of siliques, on hybrid embryo yield from interspecific crosses between Brassica napus and B. oleracea var. alboglabra

机译:温度和角果年龄对甘蓝型油菜和油菜B. oleracea var。种间杂交的杂种胚产量的影响。阿尔伯格拉布拉



Reciprocal crosses were made between Brassica napus (AACC) and B. oleracea var. alboglabra (CC) with the objective of broadening genetic diversity in B. napus. An ovule culture technique was applied to obtain interspecific hybrid plants, and the efficiency of this technique was investigated between 6 and 16 days after pollination (DAP) under two temperature conditions,20/15°C and 15/10°C (dayight). Due to interspecific crossability barriers, a low total number of interspecific hybrid embryos/plants were obtained. Data were therefore pooled across plants and a chi-square test applied for statistical analysis.Response to temperature differed depending on which species was the female parent. Using B. oleracea var. alboglabra as the female parent, a significantly greater number of hybrid embryos were obtained from plants grown at 20/15°C, and between 12-16 DAP. With B. napus as the female parent, hybrid embryo numbers were greatest at 15/10°C, and 14-16 DAP. Thus, for this particular cross, the rate of interspecific hybrid production depends greatly on the interaction between the female parent and the growing temperature. The slower growing parent, B. oleracea var. alboglabra, was more productive in generating interspecific hybrids under higher temperatures.
机译:在甘蓝型油菜(AACC)和油菜双歧杆菌(B. oleracea var)之间进行了互作。 alboglabra(CC),目的是扩大甘蓝型油菜的遗传多样性。应用胚珠培养技术获得种间杂种植物,并在20/15°C和15/10°C(昼/夜)这两个温度条件下,在授粉后(DAP)6至16天之间研究了该技术的效率)。由于种间可交叉性的障碍,种间杂种胚/植物的总数很少。因此,将所有植物的数据汇总起来,并应用卡方检验进行统计分析。对温度的响应因母本是哪种物种而异。使用B.oleracea var。作为雌性亲本,从在20/15°C和12-16 DAP之间生长的植物中获得了明显更多的杂种胚。以甘蓝型油菜作为雌性亲本,杂交胚数在15/10°C和14-16 DAP时最大。因此,对于该特定的杂交,种间杂种产生的速率很大程度上取决于雌性亲本与生长温度之间的相互作用。成长较慢的亲本,油菜变种B. oleracea var。 alboglabra在较高温度下产生种间杂种的生产力更高。



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