首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Fire and Materials >Application of Fire Safety Engineering to define the domain ofapplication of self-supporting double skin steel faced insulatingsandwich panels in public buildings

Application of Fire Safety Engineering to define the domain ofapplication of self-supporting double skin steel faced insulatingsandwich panels in public buildings




In France, the regulation about insulation products used in a public building is described in AM8 article (notification 2004/0124/F) of the June 25* 1980 decree. This regulation is based on the consideration of the European reaction to fire classification of toe products, the Euroclass. In this regulation, insulation products without Ihennal screen can be used in direct contact with air if they are classified at least A2-s2;d0. If an insulation product does not fulfil this class, a thermal screen has to be applied on its exposed surface. This screen must bring a protection of 15 minutes for vertical walls and floors, of 30 minutes for other walls (Roofing…) towards the thermal action given by the standardized ISO-Fire.
机译:在法国,AM8中描述了有关公共建筑中使用的隔热产品的法规 1980年6月25日的法令的第2条(通知2004/0124 / F)。该法规基于 考虑到欧洲对脚趾产品的防火等级,欧洲等级的反应。在 该法规规定,没有绝缘网的绝缘产品可直接与 如果空气分类至少为A2-s2; d0,则为空气。如果绝缘产品不能满足此要求 通常,必须在其裸露的表面上应用热屏。此屏幕必须带有一个 垂直墙壁和地板的保护时间为15分钟,其他墙壁的保护时间为30分钟 (屋顶…)朝着标准化ISO-Fire赋予的热作用。



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