
A Reliable Economic Framework in P2P File-sharing Systems




In P2P networks, an economic measure is efficient to incentivize nodes to provide services to others. As the payment scheme is essential in the economic measure, an efficient and reliable payment scheme is our goal. In this paper, we propose a mechanism that the peers transfer a file in pieces, and the length of the piece may be 1 MBytes. After getting one piece, the downloader pays an electronic check to the source node. The amount of tokens in the electronic check is for one piece of the file that the source node has just sent to the downloader. The electronic check is signed by the payer's private key and can be redeemed into tokens by the payee. As the transferred unit is one file piece, even if the source node fails during transaction, the downloader can resume downloading from other nodes. As a result the payment scheme can counterwork the accidents. Furthermore, our economic framework can well handle the inflation, the deflation, the sybil attack and the cheating, and is well adaptive to P2P dynamic environment. Therefore, the economic framework is reliable in P2P networks.
机译:在P2P网络中,一种经济措施可以有效地激励节点向他人提供服务。由于付款方案在经济措施中至关重要,因此我们的目标是提供高效,可靠的付款方案。在本文中,我们提出了一种机制,即对等方按段传输文件,并且段的长度可能为1 MB。在获得一份后,下载程序将电子支票支付给源节点。电子支票中的令牌数量是源节点刚刚发送给下载器的文件的一部分。电子支票由付款人的私钥签名,并且可以由收款人兑换成代币。由于传输的单位是一个文件,即使源节点在事务处理期间发生故障,下载程序也可以继续从其他节点下载。结果,支付方案可以抵消事故的影响。此外,我们的经济框架可以很好地处理通货膨胀,通货紧缩,西比尔攻击和作弊行为,并且很好地适应了P2P动态环境。因此,经济框架在P2P网络中是可靠的。



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