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Evaluation of the Dynamic Energy Consumption ofOzonation and UV Technologies for Water Treatment




Water and wastewater systems have been estimated to account for 4% of total electricity demandin the US. The demand for water from a growing population is rapidly outstripping the supplyavailable from the highest quality water sources, so agencies are turning to lower quality sourcesof supply. To treat these waters and at the same time meet increasingly stringent drinking waterregulations, agencies are implementing sophisticated advanced treatment technologies (ATT),such as ozonation and UV, methods that require more and more electrical energy. The energyconsumption issue is further aggravated by the ever-increasing energy cost. While the cost oftreatment equipment has been decreasing due to advancements in technology, the cost of energycould be escalating. For example, due to the significant decrease in membrane costs during thelast 20 years, energy consumption is now the second largest fraction of unit water cost (capitalrecovery represents the largest fraction) for seawater reverse osmosis (RO) desalination. For oneof the most recently constructed plants, at Point Lisas, Trinidad, energy represents 23% of thetotal water cost. This AwwaRF funded project surveys 11 participating utilities that utilizevarious types of ATT. Energy consumed by UV process is found to be merely 0.001 kWh/kgal,and ozonation process consumes 0.05-0.12 kWh/kgal of energy. This study also concludes thatenergy efficiency is greatly affected by the ratio of operation capacity to design capacity. Energyefficiency is much higher (lower energy consumption per unit of water produced) when thesystem is operated at or close to the design capacity. When the system is operated at lowerproduction such as during winter time, energy efficiency decreases sharply.
机译:估计水和废水系统占总电力需求的4% 在美国。不断增长的人口对水的需求正在迅速超过供应 可以从质量最高的水源获得,因此代理商正转向质量较低的水源 供应。处理这些水并同时满足日益严格的饮用水要求 法规,代理商正在实施复杂的高级治疗技术(ATT), 例如臭氧化和紫外线,这些方法需要越来越多的电能。能量 不断增长的能源成本进一步加剧了消费问题。虽然费用 技术的进步,能源成本的降低,处理设备的数量不断减少 可能会升级。例如,由于在生产过程中膜成本的显着降低 在过去的20年中,能源消耗已成为单位水费的第二大部分(资本) 回收率是海水反渗透(RO)淡化的最大部分。对于一个 在特立尼达的利萨斯角,最近建造的工厂中,能源占全球的23% 总水费。这个由AwwaRF资助的项目调查了11家参与其中的公用事业 各种类型的ATT。发现紫外线工艺消耗的能量仅为0.001 kWh / kgal, 臭氧化过程消耗0.05-0.12 kWh / kgal的能量。这项研究还得出结论: 运营效率与设计能力之比极大地影响了能源效率。活力 当 系统以等于或接近设计容量的速度运行。当系统在较低温度下运行时 在冬季生产过程中,能源效率急剧下降。



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