首页> 外文会议>Australasian conference on Computer science >On inferences of full hierarchical dependencies

On inferences of full hierarchical dependencies




Full hierarchical dependencies (FHDs) constitute a large class of relational dependencies. A relation exhibits an FHD precisely when it can be decomposed into at least two of its projections without loss of information. Therefore, FHDs generalise multivalued dependencies (MVDs) in which case the number of these projections is precisely two. The implication of FHDs has been defined in the context of some fixed finite universe.

This paper identifies a sound and complete set of inference rules for the implication of FHDs. This ax-iomatisation is very reminiscent of that for MVDs. Then, an alternative notion of FHD implication is introduced in which the underlying set of attributes is left undetermined. The main result proposes a finite axiomatisation for FHD implication in undetermined universes. Moreover, the result clarifies the role of the complementation rule as a mere means of database normalisation. In fact, an axiomatisation for FHD implication in fixed universes is proposed which allows to infer any FHDs either without using the complementation rule at all or only in the very last step of the inference. This also characterises the expressiveness of an incomplete set of inference rules in fixed universes. The results extend previous work on MVDs by Biskup.


完整的层次依赖关系(FHD)构成了一大类关系依赖关系。当一个关系可以分解为至少至少个投影而又不丢失信息时,它就显示出FHD。因此,FHD概括了多值依赖关系(MVD),在这种情况下,这些投影的数量恰好是两个。 FHD的含义是在某些固定的有限宇宙的背景下定义的。




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