
Self-adaptive applications on the grid




It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 12th ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'07). This past year has been an exciting one for the field. The abrupt switch to multi-core designs for commodity microprocessors has transformed parallel computing from a fringe technology to one on the critical path for the success of products ranging from game consoles to supercomputers. The road ahead is full of challenges with increasing interest in heterogeneous architectures and the impending arrival of many-core microprocessors. The mission of this symposium is to serve as a forum for presenting new ideas ranging from the theoretical foundations of parallel programming, to programming models, algorithms, and software for parallel systems. PPoPP provides researchers and practitioners an opportunity to share their diverse perspectives. >The call for papers attracted 65 submissions from Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. Theprogram committee accepted 22 papers on topics ranging from theory to practice. This year, PPoPP includes a poster session whose aim is to broaden participation and increase the exchange of ideas without sacrificing the symposium's single-track format. The program also includes keynote speeches by Jesse Fang and Andrew Chien, along with a panel on transactions moderated by Maurice Herlihy. For the first time, PPoPP'07 includes companion workshops that provide an opportunity to learn about topics in greater depth. We hope that you find the program thought provoking and that you value the symposium as an opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from institutions around the world.
机译:我们很高兴欢迎您参加第12届ACM并行编程原理和实践专题讨论会(PPoPP'07)。过去的一年对于该领域来说是令人兴奋的一年。商用微处理器的突然转向多核设计已经将并行计算从一种边缘技术转变为一种成功的关键路径,从游戏机到超级计算机,这些产品都是成功的关键。随着人们对异构体系结构的兴趣不断增加以及多核微处理器即将问世,未来的道路充满了挑战。本次研讨会的任务是作为一个论坛,提出新思想,范围从并行编程的理论基础到并行系统的编程模型,算法和软件。 PPoPP 为研究人员和从业人员提供了一个分享他们不同观点的机会。

征集论文的呼吁吸引了来自亚洲,欧洲,北美和南美的65篇论文。程序委员会接受了22篇有关从理论到实践的主题的论文。今年, PPoPP 举行了海报发布会,其目的是在不牺牲专题讨论会的单轨格式的情况下扩大参与范围并增加思想交流。该计划还包括Jesse Fang和Andrew Chien的主题演讲,以及由Maurice Herlihy主持的交易小组。 PPoPP'07 首次包括同伴讲习班,为您提供了更深入地了解主题的机会。我们希望您能从中发现令人振奋的计划,并希望本次研讨会能为您提供与世界各地机构的同事交流想法的机会。



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