首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Test and Measurement;ISTM/2005 >Points that the VHDL program should pay attention to

Points that the VHDL program should pay attention to




This paper attempts to discusses wholly the places where the problems take place easily in VHDL design . It includes the following aspects. The difference between signal and variable, the sphere of action and the characteristic of time delay; The sensitivity quantum during the process, the position of clock, the advantage of trying to use one clock; Besides simple design, it is often impossible to make all functions with a process, so multi-process is used extensively in designing program in VHDL, it is very helpful to understand the advantages and disadvantages of multi-process in design of complicated VHDL ; The cause of glitch signal and how to clear it up, how to avoid the problem of glitch signal producing; Combinational logic circuit and sequential logic circuit; The relation between clock and synchronous circuit & asynchronous circuit, the difference between synchronous set and asynchronous set, try to use synchronous circuit and synchronous set; The touching off the way of Latch and Flip_flop; How to make best use of the resource library and the accurate way of expressing operands in order to achieve the perfect program structure and correct operation resu The necessity of introducing tristate gate and its usage; The relation between VHDL and NIOS embed processor & modern DSP. Combining my experience, some specific problem have been explained and my own view t have been put forward, hoping to be useful and helpful to VHDL designers.
机译:本文试图全面讨论VHDL设计中容易出现问题的地方。它包括以下几个方面。信号与变量之间的差异,作用范围和时延特性;过程中的灵敏度范围,时钟的位置,尝试使用一个时钟的优势;除了简单的设计之外,通常不可能用一个过程来实现所有功能,因此在VHDL的程序设计中广泛使用了多进程,这有助于理解多进程在复杂的VHDL设计中的优缺点;毛刺信号产生的原因以及如何消除毛刺信号,如何避免产生毛刺信号的问题;组合逻辑电路和顺序逻辑电路;时钟与同步电路和异步电路之间的关系,同步集和异步集的区别,尝试使用同步电路和同步集;触发Latch和Flip_flop的方式;如何充分利用资源库和准确的操作数表示方式,以达到理想的程序结构和正确的运算结果;引入三态门的必要性及其用法; VHDL与NIOS嵌入式处理器和现代DSP之间的关系。结合我的经验,已经解释了一些具体的问题,并提出了自己的看法,希望对VHDL设计人员有所帮助。



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