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Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): An Alternative to Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)




Natural gas is becoming one of the most important resourcesof energy, with its share in the world consumption expected toincrease dramatically over the next two decades. Currently,natural gas is transported to the markets by pipelines and asliquefied natural gas (LNG). Transporting the natural gas bypipelines is convenient and economically attractive onshore.For the offshore transport of natural gas, pipelines becomechallenging as the water depth and the transporting distanceincrease. LNG, an effective means of transporting gas for longdistances across the seas, constitutes 25% of the world gasmovement. But LNG projects require large investments alongwith substantial natural gas reserves and are economicallyviable for distances such as 2500 miles and beyond.Compressed natural gas (CNG) technology provides aneffective way for shorter-distance transport of gas. Thetechnology is aimed at monetizing offshore reserves, whichcannot be produced because of unavailability of pipeline orbecause the LNG option is very costly. Technically, CNG iseasy to deploy with lower requirements for facilities andinfrastructure. “Coselle” and “VOTRANS” are two would-becommercial, high-pressure gas storage and transporttechnologies for CNG. Technical and economic analyses ofthese two technologies were done in this study and acomparison is provided. The results show that for distances upto 2500 miles natural gas can be transported as CNG at pricesranging from $0.93 to $2.23 per MMBTU compared to LNG,which can cost anywhere from $1.5 to $2.5 per MMBTUdepending on the actual distance. At distances above 2500miles the cost of delivering gas as CNG becomes higher thanthe cost for LNG because of the disparity in the volumes ofgas transported with the two technologies.
机译:天然气正成为最重要的资源之一 能源,其在世界消费中所占的份额预计将达到 在接下来的二十年里急剧增加。目前, 天然气通过管道和管道输送到市场。 液化天然气(LNG)。通过运输天然气 陆上管道十分便利,并且在经济上具有吸引力。 对于天然气的海上运输,管道成为 具有挑战性的水深和运输距离 增加。液化天然气,是长期输送天然气的有效手段 跨越海洋的距离,占世界天然气的25% 移动。但是液化天然气项目需要大量投资 具有丰富的天然气储量,并且在经济上 适用于2500英里及以上的距离。 压缩天然气(CNG)技术提供了一种 天然气短距离运输的有效途径。这 该技术旨在将离岸储备货币化, 由于管道不可用而无法生产 因为液化天然气的选择非常昂贵。从技术上讲,CNG是 易于部署,对设施和设备的要求较低 基础设施。 “ Coselle”和“ VOTRANS”是两个 商业,高压气体存储和运输 CNG技术。的技术和经济分析 这两项技术是在这项研究中完成的, 提供比较。结果表明,距离较远 以天然气的价格可以运送到2500英里的天然气 与液化天然气相比,每MMBTU从0.93美元到2.23美元不等, 每个MMBTU的价格在1.5美元到2.5美元之间 视实际距离而定。距离超过2500 压缩天然气的成本比汽油高出1英里 液化天然气的成本,因为 用这两种技术运输的天然气。



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