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Trusted intermediating agents in electronic trade networks




Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems are, in the judgmentof many observers, the most significant new paradigm for softwaremodelling and development to emerge from Computer Science in thelast two decades. Autonomous Agents are computer programs that areable to decide between different methods of achieving theirprogrammed goals. This is in contrast to the scripted, predefinedbehaviour that a traditional program, for example a Unix Daemon,would exhibit, and means that Autonomous Agents can cope withdynamic environments, can be developed as a quick solution tocomplex problems, and can tailor their behaviour to individualusers in a way that traditional software cannot.>Multi-Agent Systems are computational environments in whichdifferent programs, possibly developed in isolation, canco-ordinate their behaviours to achieve their goals. The technologyof Multi-Agent Systems is, therefore, particularly applicable tomodern operational environments like e-business, ubiquitouscomputing, and,of course, the Internet.>These two topics of research are tightly coupled. For aMulti-Agent System to be fully implemented, it is often necessaryto utilize the technology of Autonomous Agents. For an Agent to actwith true autonomy in a realistic, modern setting, it must often beable to reason about other Agents and co-ordinate its behaviourwith them. It is this insight that has led to the development ofthe AAMAS community and the spectacularly successful series ofconferences that have been running for the last for years.>The AAMAS community has long recognised [Wooldridge &Jennings 1995] that the significance of the abstractions,techniques, tools, and technologies developed by the researchcommunity worldwide will only be recognised if they have practicalapplications in the real world of science, technology, education,healthcare, business, and commerce. The paradigm of AAMAS andavailable agent technologies has reached a significant level ofmaturity, and they are now widely regarded as ready for wideradoption. The purpose of the First Industry Track of the AutonomousAgent and Multi-Agent Systems conference is to provide a forum thatwill bring real world applications that are being developed byteams internationally to the attention of the AAMAS community andthe wider world.>Why is this important? We have identified severalmotivations:>•By disseminating the news of successful application ofAAMAS technology we hope to provide researchers with clear evidenceof the success and usefulness of particular techniques.>•Feedback from attempts to use AAMAS technology isvaluable in the formation of the AAMAS research agenda.>•A forum for discussion of industrial andapplication-orientated concerns has been lacking in the communityto date; by providing one, we hope that practitioners will be ableto share their experiences and, therefore, accelerate the uptake ofAAMAS technology.>•Finally, we expect that, by providing an industrytrack, we will encourage more participation in AAMAS bypractitioners, and that this will lead to a wider understanding ofthe importance of AAMAS technology in commercial organisations.>Fifteen papers that discuss the application of AAMAS technologyare presented in this collection. They were selected by arefereeing process that aimed to find work that made use of theparticular properties of AAMAS systems and had actually been used"in anger." The ratio of submitted to accepted papers was higherthan 2:1; that is, more papers were excluded from presentation thanwere accepted.>The papers that have been selected by the referees and programmecommittee for the track allow the identification of some trends inthe development and application of AAMAS technology. Four out offifteen papers are in the field of transport, traffic, andlogistics. Natural problem decomposition, geographicaldistribution, and requirements for autonomous decision making makethis domain particularly suitable for AAMAS technology.>A further four papers are focused onAerospace applications. Inthis domain, the technological adventurousness of a highlycompetitive and demanding industry may explain the work presented.However, the use of AAMAS technology to provide autonomy forsystems that cannot be easily or cheaply supervised by humanintervention seems to be another clear driver.>Three papers focus on using AAMAS technology for manufacturingapplications. Here, the drivers seem to have been to use AgentAutonomy or co-ordination techniques to provide cost savings,realised by removing large numbers of repetitive management andcontrol tasks.>The track also features papers which describe the use of AAMAStechnology for electricity network management and to provide atraining system for naval personnel. Both of these papers point tocost savings realised by automating decision making processes.>Just as we can see trends in the papers that have been selectedfor publication, it's also interesting to point to missing areas.There are no papers from promising domainsfor AAMAS adoptionincluding telecommunications, internet, pharmaceuticals,eGovernment, or healthcare. Similarl,y the submission rate fromsmall companies and start-ups was expected to be somewhat higher.These are areas that have been explored extensively in the past[Luck et-al 2003] so it is important for the AAMAS community toinvestigate why the research that has been performed has notmatured into published case studies at this time.>Although the collection is diverse, all the papers share twocommon traits. Every paper is the result of the efforts of a teamthat has been prepared to take the risk of adopting a newtechnology in a high pressure environment, and every papersummarises what happens when talented people take a risk and thatrisk pays off. We salute all these pioneers, and look forward tothe presentation of the technical program and the discussions thatare bound to result.
机译:在许多观察家看来,自治代理和多代理系统是近二十年来计算机科学中出现的最重要的软件建模和开发新范式。自治代理是能够在实现其编程目标的不同方法之间进行决定的计算机程序。这与传统程序(例如Unix Daemon)将展现的脚本化,预定义的行为相反,这意味着自治代理可以应对动态环境,可以开发为复杂问题的快速解决方案,并可以针对单个用户调整其行为



AAMAS社区早就意识到[Wooldridge&Jennings 1995]的重要性。只有在全球科学界开发的抽象,技术,工具和技术中,它们在科学,技术,教育,医疗保健,商业和商业等现实世界中具有实际应用时,才会被认可。 AAMAS和可用的代理技术的范式已经达到了相当成熟的水平,现在它们被广泛认为可以广泛采用。 AutonomousAgent和Multi-Agent Systems会议的第一条行业跟踪的目的是提供一个论坛,该论坛将把由国际团队开发的实际应用程序吸引到AAMAS社区和更广阔的世界关注。为什么这很重要?我们已经确定了几种动机:






由裁判和计划委员会针对该曲目选择的论文可以确定AAMAS技术的发展和应用中的一些趋势。 15篇论文中有4篇是运输,交通和物流领域的论文。自然问题分解,地理分布以及对自主决策的要求使得该领域特别适合AAMAS技术。

另外四篇论文集中在航空航天应用上。在这个领域中,竞争激烈且要求很高的行业的技术冒险也许可以解释所提出的工作。但是,使用AAMAS技术为无法由人类干预轻易或廉价地监督的系统提供自治似乎是另一个明显的推动力。 < p>三篇论文重点介绍了如何将AAMAS技术用于制造应用。在这里,驱动程序似乎一直在使用AgentAutonomy或协调技术来节省成本。


就像我们看到已选择发表论文的趋势一样,指出缺少的领域也很有趣。 AAMAS采用的前景广阔的领域,包括电信,互联网,制药,电子政务或医疗保健。与此类似,小公司和初创公司的提交率预计会更高。这些领域在过去已经进行了广泛的研究[Luck et al 2003],因此对于AMAAS社区调查为什么要




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