首页> 外文会议>2004 CIGR International Conference : Collection of Extent Abstracts >Vegetated Systems for Non-Point Source PollutionControl

Vegetated Systems for Non-Point Source PollutionControl




Nonpoint source pollution is the leading cause of water quality problems in the UnitedStates, and its reduction is a major challenge facing society today. Since the approval of the CleanWater Act of 1972, the United States has made great advances in reducing point source pollutionfrom industrial and municipal wastewater systems. Unfortunately, not enough has been done tocontrol nonpoint source or diffuse pollution, resulting in approximately 40% of rivers, lakes, andestuaries being unfit for fishing and swimming. As of 1998 over 290,000 miles of river, almost7,900,000 acres of lake and 12,500 square miles of estuaries failed to meet water quality standards.The integration of biological technologies used by ecologists and agronomists with traditionalengineered pollution control and remediation technologies appears to offer a cost effective, timely,and aesthetically pleasing solution for nonpoint source pollution.In recent years, it has become evident that the establishment and presence of vegetation canmitigate nonpoint source pollution and enhance the remediation of contaminated soils and water.Kansas State University is currently conducting numerous field, mesocosm (column) and laboratorystudies to assess the effectiveness of vegetated systems for NPS pollution control in several settings,from agricultural fields to military training lands and urban centers. Preliminary results indicate thatvegetated bioretention cells (urban NPS pollution management practice) can have a significantimpact on urban stormwater quality and riparian buffer strips reduce sediment and nutrient transportinto streams in both rural and urban areas. Vegetation selection based on climate and requiredfunction in addition to the site physical characteristics are the primary factors effecting systemeffectiveness.
机译:面源污染是美国水质问题的主要原因 国家及其减少是当今社会面临的重大挑战。自清洁批准 1972年的《水法》,美国在减少点源污染方面取得了长足的进步 来自工业和市政废水系统。不幸的是,还没有做足够的事情来 控制面源污染或扩散污染,导致约40%的河流,湖泊和 河口不适合钓鱼和游泳。截至1998年,超过290,000英里的河流几乎 790万英亩的湖泊和12,500平方英里的河口未能达到水质标准。 生态学家和农艺师使用的生物技术与传统技术的整合 工程污染控制和修复技术似乎可以提供经济有效,及时, 美观的非点源污染解决方案。 近年来,很明显,植被的建立和存在可以 减轻面源污染,增强对受污染的土壤和水的修复。 堪萨斯州立大学目前正在进行众多领域,中观(列)和实验室 评估植被在多种环境下对NPS污染控制的有效性的研究, 从农业领域到军事训练用地和城市中心。初步结果表明 植被生物滞留细胞(城市NPS污染管理实践)可能具有重要意义 对城市雨水质量的影响和河岸缓冲带减少了沉积物和养分的运输 流入农村和城市地区。根据气候和需求选择植被 功能,场地物理特征是影响系统的主要因素 效力。



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