
Know thy neighbor's neighbor




Several peer-to-peer networks are based upon randomized graph topologies that permit efficient greedy routing, e. g., randomized hypercubes, randomized Chord, skip-graphs and constructions based upon small-world percolation networks. In each of these networks, a node has out-degree Θ(log n), where n denotes the total number of nodes, and greedy routing is known to take O(log n) hops on average. We establish lower-bounds for greedy routing for these networks, and analyze Neighbor-of-Neighbor (NoN)-greedy routing. The idea behind NoN, as the name suggests, is to take a neighbor's neighbors into account for making better routing decisions.The following picture emerges: Deterministic routing networks like hypercubes and Chord have diameter Θ(log n) and greedy routing is optimal. Randomized routing networks like randomized hypercubes, randomized Chord, and constructions based on small-world percolation networks, have diameter Θ(log n / log logn) with high probability. The expected diameter of Skip graphs is also Θ(log n / log log n). In all of these networks, greedy routing fails to find short routes, requiring Ω(log n) hops with high probability. Surprisingly, the NoN-greedy routing algorithm is able to diminish route-lengths to Θ(log n / log log n) hops, which is asymptotically optimal.
机译:若干对等网络是基于随机图拓扑的,这些拓扑允许有效的贪婪路由,例如。例如,随机超立方体,随机和弦,跳跃图和基于小世界渗滤网络的构造。在这些网络中的每个网络中,节点的出度为Θ(log n),其中n表示节点总数,并且已知 greedy 路由平均采取O(log n)跳。我们为这些网络的贪婪路由建立下限,并分析邻居的邻居(NoN)-贪婪路由。顾名思义,NoN背后的想法是考虑邻居的邻居,以便做出更好的路由决策。下图出现了:超立方体和Chord等确定性路由网络的直径Θ(log n)和贪婪路由是最佳的。诸如随机超立方体,随机Chord以及基于小世界渗透网络的构造之类的随机路由网络具有很高的直径Θ(log n / log logn)。跳过图的预期直径也是Θ(log n / log log n)。在所有这些网络中,贪婪路由无法找到短路径,因此需要Ω(log n)跳的概率很高。令人惊讶的是,NoN- 贪婪路由算法能够将路由长度减小到Θ(log n / log log n)跃点,这是渐近最优的。



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