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Does Real-Time Pricing Deliver Demand Response? A Case Study of NiagaraMohawk's Large Customer RTP Tariff

机译:实时定价能否传递需求响应? NiagaraMohawk的大客户RTP关税案例研究



Real-time pricing (RTP) is advocated as the most economically efficient way to invokedemand response (DR) benefits, yet actual customer experience is limited and thinlydocumented. This study examines the experience of 130 large (over 2 MW) industrial,commercial and institutional customers at Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation that have facedday-ahead electricity market prices as their default tariff since 1998. It is the first study of largecustomer response to RTP in the context of retail competition. Through a survey and interviews,we examine how customers adapted to RTP (their satisfaction, hedging choices, adoption of Drenablingtechnologies and response capability), and we combined survey information withcustomer billing data to quantify price response. We find that customers are relatively satisfied.In 2003, 50-55% were exposed to RTP; many say they'd prefer to hedge but attractively pricedoptions are rare. Only 45% of survey respondents have installed DR-enabling technologies since1998. 54% indicated they were not price responsive at all; of the rest, most employ "low-tech"curtailment strategies and do not reschedule usage. Average price response estimates are modest:the overall substitution elasticity is 0.14. Surprisingly, government/educational customers displaythe highest response (0.30); industrial response is similar to past research findings (0.11) andcommercial customers are least responsive (0.00). New York Independent System Operator DRprograms significantly boost industrial participants' price response when events are called.Default RTP does deliver modest DR benefits, but is best viewed as part of a portfolio of DRoptions.
机译:提倡实时定价(RTP)是最经济有效的调用方式 需求响应(DR)的好处,但实际的客户体验有限且薄弱 记录下来。这项研究考察了130个大型(超过2 MW)工业的经验, 尼亚加拉莫霍克电力公司(Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation)面临的商业和机构客户 自1998年以来,将提前一天的电力市场价格作为其默认电价。这是对大型电力市场的首次研究 客户在零售竞争中对RTP的反应。通过调查和访谈, 我们研究了客户如何适应RTP(他们的满意度,对冲选择,采用Drenabling 技术和响应能力),并且我们将调查信息与 客户帐单数据以量化价格响应。我们发现客户相对满意。 2003年,有50-55%的人暴露于RTP;许多人说,他们宁愿套期保值,但定价诱人 选项很少。自此以来,只有45%的调查受访者安装了启用灾难恢复的技术 1998年。54%的受访者表示他们根本不响应价格;其余的大多数使用“低技术含量” 缩减策略,请勿重新安排使用时间。平均价格响应估算值适中: 总替代弹性为0.14。令人惊讶的是,政府/教育客户显示 最高回应(0.30);工业响应类似于过去的研究发现(0.11),并且 商业客户反应最慢(0.00)。纽约独立系统运营商DR 计划在召集事件时大大提高了行业参与者的价格响应。 默认RTP确实提供了适度的灾难恢复优势,但最好将其视为灾难恢复产品组合的一部分 选项。



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