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Effects of the Application of Drill Cuttings and Recovered Oily Sands on Caribbean Pines, Anzoátegui State, Northeastern Venezuela




As a part of an overall waste reduction initiative, beneficial reuse of materials otherwise considered oilfield waste were evaluated as an environmentally responsible and business practical method of handling theses materials. Heavy oil production by the Cerro Negro Project, within the Orinoco River region of the Anzoátegui State of northeastern Venezuela, is surrounded by Caribbean pine plantations. During 1999 and 2000, decanted drill cuttings and recovered oily sands were mixed with virgin soil (mostly sandy loams) and an agglutinate in order to produce an asphalt mixture for use as a substrate stabilizer and road base. The mixture was prepared to comply with Venezuela Ministry of Environment requirements before being spread as a road base on internal roads within the pine plantations as a stabilizer. Studies were conducted to evaluate numerous quantitative and qualitative parameters potentially associated with impact to pine trees and the surroundings environment. These possible effects were evaluated from the following key assessment sectors: A. Caribe pine plantation areas near the initial mixing sites (borrow pits), B. Plantation areas adjacent to roadways or firebreaks where the mixture was applied, and C. Plantation areas where the mixture is used directly as a substratum. The results of this study, designed to evaluate the effects of the application of the mixture of drill cuttings and recovered oily sands on the forestation species and theirsurrounding environment, document that the application of this mixture represents a cost-effective waste reduction option with natural resources re-use and erosion stabilization benefits. Results potentially demonstrating enhanced growth and productivity of surrounding pine plantations further document a "win-win" solution between the Cerro Negro Project operator and the plantation owners for the handling of these materials that would otherwise be considered a waste.
机译:作为总体减少废物计划的一部分,对原本可以视为油田废物的材料的有益再利用进行了评估,认为它们是处理这些材料的对环境负责的,符合商业实际的方法。委内瑞拉东北安索阿特吉州奥里诺科河地区的塞罗内格罗(Cerro Negro)项目的重油生产被加勒比松林所包围。在1999年和2000年期间,将倾析的钻屑和回收的油性沙土与原始土壤(主要是沙质壤土)和凝集剂混合,以生产用作基层稳定剂和路基的沥青混合料。将该混合物制备为符合委内瑞拉环境部的要求,然后在松树种植园内的内部道路上作为稳定剂铺路。进行了研究,以评估可能与对松树和周围环境的影响相关的大量定量和定性参数。从以下主要评估部门评估了这些可能的影响:A.最初混合地点(借款坑)附近的樟子松人工林面积; B.施用混合物的邻近道路或防火带的人工林面积;以及C.混合林的人工林面积。混合物直接用作基质。这项研究的结果旨在评估钻屑和回收的油砂混合物对造林物种及其周围环境的影响,证明该混合物的使用代表了一种具有成本效益的自然资源减少废物的选择再利用和侵蚀稳定的好处。结果潜在地证明了周围松树人工林的增长和生产力的提高,进一步证明了Cerro Negro项目运营商和人工林所有者之间“双赢”的解决方案,用于处理这些原本被认为是浪费的材料。



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