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Security for grid-based computing systems issues and challenges




Grid systems were initially developed for supporting scientific computations. Today, companies, users and researchers are looking at ways to use the Grid approach to commercial uses and for applications in many different areas. Security in grid systems however has not been much addressed and yet is an important prerequisite to really make grid systems usable in a variety of commercial applications.The goal of this panel is to explore relevant security issues, with special emphasis on access control, for grid-based computing systems. The panel will discuss security requirements that are specific to grid-based systems and set these systems apart from conventional distributed systems, and outline directions for future research. Questions addressed by the panel include the following ones:
  • What needs to be protected in a grid system: hosts, resources, data, computations?
  • Access control languages and policies: do we need ad-hoc languages for specifying access control policies for grid hosts? If so, which would be the most relevant and features of these languages?
  • User requirements: different grid hosts may provide different levels of security. How can a user specify his/her security requirements when running computations? Which assurance has the user that his/her own requirements have been met?
  • Scalability and evolution: grid computing systems may encompass a very large number of nodes (hundreds or even thousands). Moreover, they can be quite dynamic with hosts and clients dynamically joining and leaving. How can we design scalable access systems able to cope with the required dynamicity?
  • 网格系统中需要保护的内容:主机,资源,数据,计算?
  • 访问控制语言和策略:我们是否需要临时语言来指定网格主机的访问控制策略?如果是这样,那么这些语言中最相关和最有特色的是什么?
  • 用户要求:不同的网格主机可能提供不同级别的安全性。用户在运行计算时如何指定他/她的安全要求?用户可以保证自己的要求得到了哪些保证?
  • 可伸缩性和演进:网格计算系统可能包含非常多的节点(数百个甚至数千个)。此外,主机和客户端可以动态加入和离开,因此它们可以非常动态。我们如何设计可扩展的访问系统以应对所需的动态性?



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