首页> 外文会议>National conference on Digital government research;Annual national conference on Digital government research >A technical modeler's interface for urbansim, a system for integrated land use, transportation, and environmental modeling

A technical modeler's interface for urbansim, a system for integrated land use, transportation, and environmental modeling




This year we were very pleased to host one keynote talk and twokeynote panels. Our opening keynote speaker on Monday morning wasKeith Rhodes, chief technologist of the U.S. General AccountingOffice and director of the Center for Technology and Engineering.His talk, entitled "Digital Government: How Does the Leviathan TapDance?" focuses on government's role and responsibility in a worldwhere the digital and the physical are becoming increasinglyindistinguishable.>Our two keynote panels focused on the dramatic growth inresearch opportunities in digital government. On Tuesday morning, apanel of NSF program officers presented a strategic vision of theever-evolving research landscape available to the digitalgovernment research community. On Wednesday morning, a panelorganized by the European Commission Information SocietyDirectorate presented e-government research programs and projectsunderway in European countries.>This year we have introduced NSF Project Highlights as adistinct submission category to the dg.o conference. The ProjectHighlights serve to showcase NSF-funded digital governmentprojects. Each project is summarized in the dg.o 2004 Proceedingsand was presented at the conference, in either a concurrent programsession or a poster session. The NSF Project Highlightpresentations have been interspersed with accepted research papersand posters, all organized according to various applicationdomains.>In addition to the keynote and regular sessions on Monday,George Spix, chief architect in the Consumer Platforms Division ofMicrosoft addressed attendees at the luncheon. InformalBirds-of-a-Feather sessions took place on Monday afternoon. We hadtwo poster and demonstration sessions, one on Monday evening andone on Tuesday afternoon. With these sessions, we continued ourtradition of having posters and demos accompanied by informalconversation and good food. This has become a very successful venueto showcase the potential of digital government in a wide varietyof areas and to encourage new research projects and partnerships.On Wednesday afternoon, we arranged several field trips for dg.o2004 attendees including visits to the Boeing Corporation and theSeattle Police Department. (You may view a complete schedule here,or browse the proceedings by topic using the navigation menuabove.)>The dg.o conference has grown in both size and diversity asevidenced by our submissions this year, including 60 NSF ProjectHighlights, 20 posters, 26 demonstrations, 3 student researchpapers, 7 Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and 39 regular researchpapers. Of these, 13 of the research papers and two of the studentresearch papers were accepted, with an additional 14 researchpapers accepted as posters. The conference presentations featuredboth information and social science perspectives and contributionsto pressing public sector challenges.>We are most grateful to members of the Program Committee whocarefully reviewed research papers and provided valuable feedbackto the authors. The quality of the program reflects their talentsand efforts.>The dg.o 2004 Program Committee members included:>•Peggy Agouris, University of Maine>•Yigal Arens, Digital Government Research Center,USC/ISI>•Chaitan Baru, University of California San Diego>•Annie (Shirley) Becker, Northern ArizonaUniversity>•Rob Bertini, Portland State University>•Shawn Bowers, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC, SanDiego>•Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University>•Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona>•Judy Cushing, The Evergreen State College>•Sharon S. Dawes, Center for Technology in Government,University at Albany/SUNY>•Lois Delcambre, Oregon Health & Science University(Chair)>•Jose Fortes, University of Florida>•Genevieve Giuliano, Digital Government ResearchCenter, USC/ISI>•Mike Goodchild, University of California - SantaBarbara>•Jane Fountain, Kennedy School of Government, HarvardUniversity>•Carol A. Hert, Syracuse University>•Eduard Hovy, Digital Government Research Center,USC/ISI>•Alan Karr, National Institute of StatisticalSciences>•Marianne Koch, School of Science & EngineeringOGI/OHSU>•Kincho Law, Stanford University>•Gary Marchionini, University of North Carolina atChapel Hill>•Juliet Musso, Digital Government Research Center,USC/ISI>•Charlie Rothwell, National Center for HealthStatistics>•Stuart Shulman, Drake University>•Nicole Steckler, Management in Science &Technology Dept., OGI/OHSU>•Anthony Stefanidis, NCGIA, University of Maine>•Vassilis Tsotras, University of California,Riverside>•Paul Waddell, University of Washington>Jim Costello (Center for Technology in Government, University atAlbany/SUNY) did an excellent job providing technical support forthe automated paper submission and review management system thatwas introduced with great success this year. Priscilla Rasmussencontinued this year as our indispensable professional conferenceplanner.>The conference is generously supported by a grant from theNational Science Foundation. It is organized by the DigitalGovernment Research Center, a joint center of the USC InformationSciences Institute and Columbia University.>Planning and arranging the conference, including the conferenceprogram, was truly a team effort. We hope you enjoy theconference!>Sharon Dawes, Conference Co-Chairbr/br EduardHovy, Conference Co-Chairbr/br Lois Delcambre,Program Chairbr/br Valerie Gregg, NSF DigitalGovernment Program Liaisonbr/br Yigal Arens,Finance Chairbr/br Mack Reed, CommunicationsChair
机译:今年,我们非常高兴地举办一个主题演讲和两个主题演讲小组。我们星期一上午的开幕主题演讲者是美国总会计办公室首席技术官兼技术与工程中心主任基思·罗德斯(Keith Rhodes),他的演讲题目为“数字政府:Leviathan TapDance如何?”。在数字和物理越来越难以区分的世界中,我们着重于政府的角色和责任。

我们的两个主题演讲小组重点讨论了数字政府中研究机会的急剧增长。 NSF计划人员的小组成员在星期二早上提出了对数字政府研究界可用的不断发展的研究前景的战略构想。在星期三上午,由欧盟委员会信息社会理事会组织的小组介绍了欧洲国家正在进行的电子政务研究计划和项目。

今年,我们在dg.o会议上引入了NSF项目亮点作为与众不同的提交类别。 ProjectHighlights用于展示由NSF资助的数字政府项目。在dg.o 2004 Proceedings中概述了每个项目,并在会议上同时进行了计划会议或海报发布会。美国国家科学基金会的项目重点演讲已经插入了接受的研究论文和张贴者,并根据不同的应用领域进行了组织。

除了周一的主题演讲和例会之外,微软消费者平台部门的首席架构师乔治·斯皮克斯(George Spix)致辞午宴的与会者。羽毛羽毛非正式会议于星期一下午举行。我们进行了两次海报和示范会议,一个在星期一晚上,一个在星期二下午。通过这些会议,我们继续保持传统,有海报和演示,并伴有非正式对话和美味佳肴。这已经成为一个非常成功的场所,展示了数字政府在各个领域的潜力,并鼓励了新的研究项目和合作伙伴关系。星期三下午,我们为dg.o2004与会者安排了几次实地考察,其中包括对波音公司和西雅图警察的访问。部。 (您可以在此处查看完整的日程安排,或使用上方的导航菜单按主题浏览会议记录。)

dg.o会议的规模和多样性都在不断增长,这一点可从我们今年提交的材料中得到证实,其中包括60个NSF ProjectHighlights,20个海报,26个演示,3个学生研究论文,7个羽毛观鸟课和39个常规研究论文。其中,13篇研究论文和2篇学生研究论文被接受,另外14篇研究论文被接受为海报。会议介绍了信息和社会科学的观点以及对紧迫的公共部门挑战的贡献。



•缅因大学的Peggy Agouris

•Yigal Arens,USC / ISI数字政府研究中心

•加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的Chaitan Baru


• Rob Bertini,波特兰州立大学

•Shawn Bowers,加州大学圣地亚哥分校超级计算机中心,SanDiego

•Jamie Callan,卡内基梅隆大学



•奥尔巴尼大学/苏尼大学政府技术中心Sharon S. Dawes

•俄勒冈健康与科学大学Lois Delcambre(主席)


•USC / ISI数字政府研究中心的Genevieve Giuliano

•加州大学迈克·古尔德(Mike Goodchild)-圣塔芭芭拉(SantaBarbara)

•哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院简·芳特(Jane Fountain)

•卡罗尔(Carol A)锡拉丘兹大学(Syracuse University)Hert

•Eduard Hovy,USC / ISI数字政府研究中心

•国家统计科学研究院的艾伦•卡尔(Alan Karr)

•Marianne Koch,科学与工程学院OGI / OHSU

•斯坦福大学(Kincho Law)

•北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的加里·马尔基奥尼(Gary Marchionini)

•数字政府的朱丽叶·穆索(Juliet Musso) USC / ISI研究中心



•妮可·史黛克勒(Nicole Steckler),科学技术管理专业。,OGI / OHSU

•缅因州大学NCGIA的Anthony Stefanidis

•加利福尼亚大学河滨学院的Vassilis Tsotras


吉姆·科斯特洛(Jim Costello)(政府技术中心,阿尔巴尼大学(SUNY)做得很好,为今年成功推出的自动论文提交和审阅管理系统提供了技术支持。 Priscilla Rasmussen今年继续担任我们不可或缺的专业会议策划人。



会议联席主席Sharon Dawes


会议主持人Lois Delcambre
Valerie Gregg,NSF数字政府计划联络员

Yigal Arens,财务主席

Mack Reed,通讯主席



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