首页> 外文会议>Annual international Pittsburgh coal conference >Obstacles in the Development of Mercury Continuous Emissions MonitorsProceedings of the 20 20th th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference

Obstacles in the Development of Mercury Continuous Emissions MonitorsProceedings of the 20 20th th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference




There has been great progress in the development of mercury continuous emissions monitors(CEMs) over the past thirty years.Pending regulation of coal-fired elec electric utiliti tric utilities for mercuryes emissions is a driver for continued progress in this area.Most of the continuous emissions monitorsfor mercury in flue gas or fuel gas (syngas) are based upon ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy.Elementalmercury can absorb and emit 253.7-nm radiation,and this is the underlying mechanism for atomicabsorption spectrometry (AAS),atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS),and inductively coupledplasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES)-based CEMs.A major obstacle in the measurement of mercury is the occurrence of undesire undesiredphotochemical reactions.These deleterious reactions are the quenching and sensitized oxidationsof mercury.Use of the Zeeman effect in order to account for absorption of 253.7- nm radiation bysulfur dioxide present in flue gas will not correct for the sensitized oxidation of mercury.Gold trapsand sensors are often used in an attempt to avoid quenching and sensitized oxidation of mercury,butare themselves subject to poisoning by flue gas or syngas constituents.The chemical reactions of mercury in solution,on surfaces surfaces,and in th ,the gas-phase pose ae significant challenge in the measurement of mercury.Loss of mercury from dilute solutions can bea significant problem for CEMs.Loss or oxidation of gas phase mercury via adsorption or catalysison solid surfaces is another significant challenge in the measurement of tra trace levels of ce mercury.Contamination is a concern in the determination of trace levels of mercury.The inexpensive lightsource used in many spectrop spectrophotometers introduces a small uncertainty in the determination ofhotometers
机译:汞连续排放监测仪的开发取得了重大进展 (CEMs)在过去的30年中。 排放是推动该领域持续发展的动力。大多数连续排放监测仪 烟气或燃料气(合成气)中的汞基于紫外(UV)光谱法。 汞可以吸收和发射253.7 nm的辐射,这是原子的基本机理 吸收光谱法(AAS),原子荧光光谱法(AFS)和电感耦合 基于等离子原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)的CEM。 汞测量中的主要障碍是不希望有的不希望有的发生 光化学反应这些有害的反应是淬灭和敏化氧化 使用Zeeman效应来解决253.7 nm辐射的吸收 烟道气中存在的二氧化硫不能纠正汞的敏化氧化。 通常使用传感器来避免汞的淬灭和敏化氧化,但是 本身会受到烟道气或合成气成分的毒害。 汞在溶液中,表面上以及表面中的化学反应,气相构成 汞测量中的重大挑战。稀溶液中的汞损失可能是 对于CEM来说是一个重大问题。气相汞的吸附或催化作用会使其失去或氧化 固体表面上的痕量是痕量铈汞的另一重大挑战。 在确定痕量汞时,污染是一个令人关注的问题。 许多分光光度计所使用的离子源在测定 温度计



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