首页> 外文会议>ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies >A model of OASIS role-based access control and its support for active security

A model of OASIS role-based access control and its support for active security




OASIS is a role-based access control architecture for achieving secure interoperation of services in an open, distributed environment. Services define roles and implement formally specified policy for role activation and service use; users must present the required credentials, in the specified context, in order to activate a role or invoke a service. Roles are activated for the duration of a session only. In addition, a role is deactivated immediately if any of the conditions of the membership rule associated with its activation becomes false.

OASIS does not use role delegation but instead defines the notion of appointment, whereby a user in some role may issue an ctright{} to some other user. The role activation conditions of services may include ctright{}s, prerequisite roles and environmental constraints.

We motivate our approach and formalise OASIS. First, a basic model is presented followed by an extended model which includes parameterisation.


OASIS不使用角色委派,而是定义任命的概念,由此具有某个角色的用户可以向其他用户发出\ actright {}。服务的角色激活条件可能包括\ actright {},先决条件角色和环境约束。




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