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Improving the granularity of access control in Windows NT

机译:提高Windows NT中访问控制的粒度



This paper presents the access control mechanisms in Windows 2000 that enable fine-grained protection and centralized management. These mechanisms were added during the transition from Windows NT 4.0 to support the Active Directory, a new feature in Windows 2000. We first extended entries in access control lists to allow rights to apply to just a portion of an object. The second extension allows centralized management of object hierarchies by specifying more precisely how access control lists are inherited. The final extension allows users to limit the rights of executing programs by restricting the set of objects they may access. These changes have the combined effect of allowing centralized management of access control while precisely specifying which accesses are granted to which programs.


本文介绍了Windows 2000中的访问控制机制,该机制可实现细粒度的保护和集中式管理。在从Windows NT 4.0过渡到支持Active Directory(Windows 2000的一项新功能)的过程中,添加了这些机制。我们首先扩展了访问控制列表中的条目,以允许将权限仅应用于对象的一部分。第二个扩展允许通过更精确地指定访问控制列表的继承方式来集中管理对象层次结构。最终扩展允许用户通过限制他们可以访问的对象集来限制执行程序的权限。这些更改的共同作用是允许对访问控制进行集中管理,同时精确指定将哪些访问授予哪些程序。



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