首页> 外文会议>International conference/exhibition on high performance computing in the Asia-Pacific region;HPC-Asia'2000 >An Attempt to Completely Utilize the Bandwidth Capability of PCI-X 133MH_z Devices in a 66MH_z PCI-X Local Bus

An Attempt to Completely Utilize the Bandwidth Capability of PCI-X 133MH_z Devices in a 66MH_z PCI-X Local Bus

机译:尝试在66MH_z PCI-X本地总线中完全利用PCI-X 133MH_z设备的带宽功能



In this paper I present a variation of the PCI-X 1.0 protocol which would prevent loss of valuable bandwidth in cases of transactions between two PCI-X-133 MH_z capable devices present in a local bus operationg at 66MH_z (due to the presence of atleast one PCI-X 66NH_z device on the bus). In conventional PCI-X protocol, there is no way by which transactions between two PCI-X 133MH_z devices can happen at 133MH_z when atleast one PCI-X 66MH_z device is also present on the bus. A variation of the PCI-X protocol presentd in this paper will eliminate the above limitation enabling high speed devices utilize their bandwidth capability to the maximum. The signalling scheme presented in this paper needs minimum changes to the PCI-X 1.0 version of the protocol and leads to bandwidth savings nearing 50
机译:在本文中,我介绍了PCI-X 1.0协议的一种变体,它可以防止在66MH_z的本地总线运行中出现的两个PCI-X-133 MH_z功能设备之间进行事务处理时由于宝贵的带宽(至少存在)总线上有一个PCI-X 66NH_z设备)。在常规的PCI-X协议中,当总线上也存在至少一个PCI-X 66MH_z设备时,无法通过两种方式在133MH_z上发生两个PCI-X 133MH_z设备之间的事务。本文提出的PCI-X协议的一种变体将消除上述限制,从而使高速设备能够最大程度地利用其带宽能力。本文提出的信令方案需要对协议的PCI-X 1.0版本进行最小的更改,并可以节省接近50的带宽。



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