首页> 外文会议>International conference on the Israel society for ecology and environmental quality sciences >The quality and sustainability of the water resources available to Arab villages to the west of the divide in the southern West Bank

The quality and sustainability of the water resources available to Arab villages to the west of the divide in the southern West Bank




Springs discharging to the Mediterranean Sea drainage systems provide domestic and irrigation water for a group of Palestinian villages in the southern West Bank. Analysis of the water sampled from 70 of these springs at three-monthly intervals from September 1998 to May 1999 determined its suitability for the various uses to which it is put, based on internationally accepted chemical and biological standards. The 1998-99 rainy season was one of the driest on record, causing hardship to those dependent on springs, which diminished in flow or completely dried up. The springs in the area selected have not received the attention their significance deserves. Some of these rural agricultural villages are little removed from subsistence farming. All of thes springs are contaminated with bacteria, some dangerously. Chemical pollutants were also observed in many of the springs. There are some rain-fed cisterns, but these too are often contaminated. A few villages receive some water from the network. This study considers the steps which ought to be taken to improve the quality of water, especially drinking water, and suggests possibilities for increasing the amount of water available. It also seeks to determine to what extent these villages can survive as demands for water increase.
机译:排入地中海排水系统的泉水为西岸南部的一组巴勒斯坦村庄提供生活用水和灌溉水。根据国际公认的化学和生物学标准,对1998年9月至1999年5月期间每三个月从70个温泉中抽取的水进行分析,确定了其对各种用途的适用性。 1998-99年的雨季是有记录以来最干旱的雨季之一,给依赖于春季的人们带来了困难,春季的流量减少或完全枯竭。所选区域中的弹簧没有受到应有的重视。这些农村农业村庄中的一些几乎没有脱离自给自足的农业。所有的温泉都被细菌污染,有些危险。在许多温泉中也观察到化学污染物。有一些雨养水箱,但它们也经常被污染。一些村庄从网络中获得一些水。这项研究考虑了应采取的改善水质,尤其是饮用水质量的步骤,并提出了增加可用水量的可能性。它还试图确定随着水需求的增加,这些村庄能够在多大程度上生存。



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