
Energy supply Outsourcing--Selling the Silver?




Mills are being approached by various organisations to provide energy services. Many of these services are being outsourced as contractors may allow some flexibility in operations. These services include: grid, stand-by or non-crush season electricity; auxiliary and bakup fuel supplies; interest in existing thermal and electrical energy platn; new plant for bagasse or biomass handling and utilisation; new plant for steam raising, electricity generation and distribution; energy plant operations; energy plant maintenance; bagasse and ash handling. The deregulation of the electricity industry has presented opportunities for energy companies in particular to provide mills with improved services with comparable annual costs. Is the production of steam and electricity a core business element for a mill, or could this be provided by a competent partner? Other organisations own and operate steam boiler plant and turboalternators; therefore, the necessary skills and deliverability may be available under contract. Is selling the energy plant a long-term solution to steam supply problems? What sort of energy service company alliance would bring value to the sugar industry? The inherent value of biomass fuel and the energy plant should be realised in an energy market, possibly improving the viability of farming and energy operations.



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