首页> 外文会议>Annual international Pittsburgh coal conference >Co-firing Biomass with Coal in a Tangentially-fired Pulverized Coal Boiler

Co-firing Biomass with Coal in a Tangentially-fired Pulverized Coal Boiler




This project consists of co-firing biomass with pulverized coal in a 90 MW tiltingtangentially-fired pulverized coal boiler (#1) by utilizing separate injection of thebiomass at a maximum rate of approximately 20,000lb/hr (up to 20% on a heatbasis) for an extended period of time. The biomass will consist of residue from alocal wood manufacturing and dedicated willow bush grown in the Dunkirk area.Currently, the Niagara Mohawk has initiated the planting of over 500 acres ofwillow near the Dunkirk Steam Station. Willow bush can be grown and harvestedon three-year cycles. The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestryin Syracuse, NY is currently developing the growth and harvesting strategies forthe willow bush.The objectives of the Dunkirk test program are to: quantify the impacts of cofiringwood waste with pulverized coal by separate injection with respect to boilerefficiency, flame stability, operability and the formation of airborne emissionsincluding SO_2, CO_2, Nox and opacity; demonstrate that the cofiring technologycan be applied to corner fired pulverized coal boilers at moderate percentage;evaluate the economics of cofiring wood as compared to coal and provide abasis for evaluating the infrastructure needed to deliver biomass fuel to DunkirkSteam Station.Tests to evaluate biomass cofiring up to 20 percent by heat of woodmanufacturing waste and willow bush with various moisture and ash contentsand with varying fuel volatility are currently scheduled for late September/October2000. Since the co-firing testing has yet to be performed no results are available.Based on the limited field testing we should be able to conclude that impacts onSO_2, No_x and CO_2 emissions will be favorable. The wood waste is essentiallyfree of sulfur so the substitution of wood for coal should reduce SO_2 emissions.The cofiring tests at Dunkirk Steam Station are expected to be sufficientlyfavorable to support pursuit of a long-term demonstration of this cofiringtechnology.
机译:该项目包括以90兆瓦的倾角将生物质与粉煤共烧 切向燃烧煤粉锅炉(#1),方法是分别注入 生物质的最大速率约为20,000lb / hr(加热时最高可达20%) 基础上)。生物质将包括来自 在敦刻尔克地区种植当地木材并种植专用的柳树灌木丛。 目前,尼亚加拉莫霍克(Niagara Mohawk)已开始种植超过500英亩的 敦刻尔克蒸汽站附近的柳树。可以种植和收获柳树灌木丛 以三年为周期。纽约州立大学环境科学与林学院 纽约州锡拉丘兹市目前正在为 柳树丛。 敦刻尔克测试计划的目标是:量化共烧的影响 通过对锅炉单独注入粉煤的木材废料 效率,火焰稳定性,可操作性以及形成的空中排放物 包括SO_2,CO_2,氮氧化物和不透明性;证明共烧技术 可适量应用于角燃粉煤锅炉; 评估与煤炭相比,共烧木材的经济性,并提供 评估向敦刻尔克运送生物质燃料所需基础设施的基础 蒸汽站。 测试以评估木材加热可将生物质燃烧多达20% 制造各种水分和灰分含量的废物和柳树灌木丛 目前预计在9月/ 10月下旬燃料波动性会有所不同 2000年。由于尚未进行共点火测试,因此没有可用的结果。 根据有限的现场测试,我们应该能够得出结论 SO_2,No_x和CO_2的排放将是有利的。木材废料基本上是 不含硫,因此用木材代替煤炭应减少SO_2排放。 敦刻尔克蒸汽站的共烧测试有望充分进行 有利于支持对这种共烧的长期证明 技术。



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