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Revealing the geology of the gulf of mexico recorded by 3-D seismic




Many visonaries in the geophsyical field have realized that 3-D seismic data contains a wealth of information about the ubsurface geology, which up unitl now has not been fully explotied. It is in this light that Coherence Cube~(TM) processing, a 3-D seismic imaging tool, provides the siemsic interpreter, geologist, and reserovir engineer with the ability to interrogate the seimic volume to identify, and map important components that define a hydrocarbon trap. The ability to components that define a hydrocarbon trap. The ability to reveal critical features such as faults, lithologic boundaries, and revervoir compartments within the seismic bandwidth is a major step forward in exploitiong 3-D semimic. COmparison of conventional seimsic and Coherence Cube processed images from 3-D seismic volumes in the GUlf of Mexico on salt domes and in stratigraphic complexes demonstrates the interpretive advantage COherence Cube processing offers the petroleum industry. Since beocming avilable in 1995, Chorerence Cube processing has significantly evolved and matured into an element necessary for successful hhdrocarbon exploration and development in the GUlf of Mexico, and throughout the world.
机译:地理物理学领域的许多学者都认识到3-D地震数据包含了大量有关表层地质的信息,而到目前为止,还没有完全对其进行充分的解释。有鉴于此,3-D地震成像工具Coherence CubeTM处理为Siemsic解释员,地质学家和Reserovir工程师提供了探查Seimic体积的能力,以识别和映射定义碳氢化合物捕集器。定义碳氢化合物捕集阱的组件的能力。在地震带宽内揭示关键特征(例如断层,岩性边界和逆流层隔室)的能力是开发3-D符号学的重要一步。在墨西哥古尔夫(Glf)的盐穹和地层中,对常规地震波和相干立方处理的3D地震图像的比较表明,相干立方处理为石油工业提供了解释优势。自1995年开始宜人使用以来,Chorerence Cube加工技术已显着发展和成熟,已成为在墨西哥湾和全球成功进行碳氢化合物勘探和开发所必需的元素。



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