首页> 外文会议>Slovak-Czech-Polish optical conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics >Time-domain and spectral-domain low-coherence interferometry applied todispersion measurements of optical fibers,

Time-domain and spectral-domain low-coherence interferometry applied todispersion measurements of optical fibers,




Abstract: Successful applications of low-coherence interferometry both in the time and spectral domains are demonstrated in the evaluation of the group optical path differences (OPDs) between two linearly polarized (LP) modes of weakly guiding optical fibers excited by a multimode laser diode TOLD 9201. Using the first measuring technique, the visibility of spatial interference fringes is measured as a function of the OPD in the experimental setup comprising a bulk-optic Michelson interferometer and a two-mode optical fiber under test. From the visibility dependences, the group OPDs between two LP modes of the optical fibers are obtained. Using the second measuring technique with the same exciting source TOLD 9201, the wavelength-dependent modulations of the source spectrum are obtained at the outputs of the two- mode optical fibers. By processing three spectral modulations using the Fourier-transform method, the wavelength dependences of the group OPDs between two LP modes are obtained and good agreements with the time-domain measurements are confirmed. When a halogen lamp is used as an exciting source, the wavelength-dependent modulation is resolved only in the vicinity of the equalization wavelength, where the period of modulation is sufficiently large to be resolved by the spectrometer. From the corresponding dependence, a value of the equalization wavelength of two LP modes of a single optical fiber is obtained.!24
机译:摘要:在对由多模激光二极管激发的弱导光纤的两种线性偏振(LP)模式之间的组光程差(OPD)进行评估时,证明了低相干干涉法在时域和光谱域中的成功应用TOLD 9201.使用第一种测量技术,在实验设置中测量空间干涉条纹的可见性,该可见性是OPD的函数,该实验设置包括大块迈克尔逊干涉仪和被测双模光纤。根据可见性的依赖性,获得光纤的两个LP模式之间的组OPD。使用具有相同激发源TOLD 9201的第二种测量技术,可在双模光纤的输出端获得源光谱的波长相关调制。通过使用傅里叶变换方法处理三个光谱调制,获得了两个LP模式之间的OPD组的波长依赖性,并确认了与时域测量的良好一致性。当使用卤素灯作为激发源时,取决于波长的调制仅在均衡波长附近被分解,在该均衡波长的调制周期足够大,以至于不能被光谱仪解析。根据相应的依赖性,获得单根光纤的两个LP模式的均衡波长值!24



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