首页> 外文会议>European PVM/MPI users' group meeting >On line visualization or combining the standard ORNL PVM with a vendor PVM implementation

On line visualization or combining the standard ORNL PVM with a vendor PVM implementation

机译:在线可视化或将标准ORNL PVM与供应商PVM实施相结合



Vendor implementations of PVM provide optimum performance on multicomputers. However, such implementations may lack interoperability. Developing of a real time display for a LGA simulation on Hitachi SR2201 parallel computer required a connection between the calulating part running on SR2201 and GUI running on a graphics workstation. A native PVM could not provide it. We proposed to use ORNL PVM to facilitate the connection and at the same time to use the native PVM for effective internal communication. Performance evaluation of this approach and practical results are presented.
机译:PVM的供应商实现可在多计算机上提供最佳性能。但是,这样的实现可能缺乏互操作性。在日立SR2201并行计算机上开发用于LGA仿真的实时显示,需要在SR2201上运行的计算部分与图形工作站上运行的GUI之间建立连接。本机PVM无法提供它。我们建议使用ORNL PVM促进连接,同时使用本机PVM进行有效的内部通信。介绍了这种方法的性能评估和实际结果。



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