首页> 外文会议>Pacific Ocean remote sensing conference;PORSEC'98 >Upwelling along the East and West Coast of India

Upwelling along the East and West Coast of India




Goastal upwelling signals along the east and west coast of India are inferred from the monthly mean climatologies of wind, sea level anomalies and temperature. Since wind reports from the coastal regions are sparse, we have considered the wind observed in the coastal stations. For knowing the oceani cresponses we have used three data sets from the coastal regions. These are monthly mean sea level, (TOPEX/POSEIDON) sea surface height and monthly mean temperature sections. Along the south-west coast of India, upwelling occurs during southwest monsoon season. PSMSL (Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level) and TOPEX POSEIDON sea level anomaly and the temperature sections demonstrate this seasonal upwelling signals. Regarding forcing, upwelling indices were found to be in phase and significant in magnitude only off the southernmost station, Thiruvananthapuram. Along the east coast, while the upwelling indices show maximum in south-west monsoon season, the negative sea level anomalies are observed in both PSML and altimetry data in winter season. In case of the west coast upwelling the wind forcing appears to be a regular modifier of the remote forcing, demonstrated by McCreary et al. (1993). However, for the east coast, the wind is totally out of phase with the observed upwelling, suggesting the dominance of shelf waves, generated by both local and remote forcing.
机译:印度东部和西部沿海地区的上流上升信号是根据风,海平面异常和温度的月平均气候推断的。由于沿海地区的风报告稀疏,因此我们考虑了在沿海站观测到的风。为了了解大洋的褶皱,我们使用了来自沿海地区的三个数据集。这些是月平均海平面(TOPEX / POSEIDON)海面高度和月平均气温部分。在印度西南海岸,西南季风季节出现上升流。 PSMSL(平均海平面长期服务)和TOPEX POSEIDON海平面异常以及温度剖面显示了这种季节性上升信号。关于强迫,仅在最南端的特里凡得琅(Thiruvananthapuram)附近发现了上升指数是同相的,并且幅度很大。沿东海岸,上升趋势指数在西南季风季节最大,而在冬季,PSML和测高数据均观测到负海平面异常。在西海岸上升的情况下,风强迫似乎是远程强迫的常规修正,McCreary等人证明了这一点。 (1993)。但是,对于东海岸,风与观测到的上升流完全不相符,这表明由局部和远程强迫产生的架子波占主导地位。



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