
Modal testing using impact excitation and a scanning LDV




Abstract: If a laser doppler vibrometer is used in a continuously- scanning mode, its output spectrum contains side-bands from which the response mode shape, as defined along the scan line, may be obtained. With impact excitation, the response is the summation of a set of exponentially-decaying sinusoids which, in the frequency domain, has peaks at the natural frequencies and at 'sideband' pseudo-natural frequencies, spaced at multiples of the scan frequency. Techniques are described for deriving natural mode shapes from these, using standard modal analysis procedures. Some limitations as to the types of mode which can be analyzed are described. The process is simple and speedy, even when compared with a normal point-by-point impact test survey. Information may also be derived, using a circular scan, on the direction of vibration, and angular vibration, at individual points. !3
机译:摘要:如果在连续扫描模式下使用激光多普勒振动计,则其输出频谱会包含边带,从边带可以获得沿扫描线定义的响应模式形状。对于冲击激励,响应是一组指数衰减的正弦曲线的总和,这些正弦曲线在频域中在自然频率和“边带”伪自然频率处具有峰值,并以扫描频率的倍数间隔开。描述了使用标准模态分析程序从中导出自然模式形状的技术。描述了有关可以分析的模式类型的一些限制。即使与常规的逐点冲击测试调查相比,该过程也非常简单快捷。还可以使用圆形扫描在各个点上获得关于振动方向和角振动的信息。 !3


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