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Detection of earthquake-induced damage in concrete structures using a laser vibrometer




Abstract: In a recent series of laboratory tests, a novel laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) was used to determine the stiffness degradation of concrete columns subjected to ever- increasing, reversed cyclic loads. As a rule, the stiffness degradation of concrete structures due to earthquake-induced damage is obvious in most circumstances. Unfortunately the visual inspection of those columns subjected to flexural failure in the laboratory did not heuristically convey the same impression of stiffness degradation as a detailed experimental modal analysis survey. Some 'failed' columns only exhibited minor surface cracks. There are several techniques to assess damage in 'failed' concrete structures; the natural frequency determination technique is one of them. As expected, an experimental modal analysis confirmed that the natural frequencies of each concrete column decreased as more damage was induced. Thus, a structure's stiffness degradation can be determined by comparing its pre- and post-damage natural frequencies. As an alternative to the experimental modal analysis, we report on the concrete columns' stiffness degradation from a series of flexural and shear strength test using a novel LDV. Two significant advantages of using the LDV in this application are: (1) the method is non-obtrusive and (2) the instrumentation required is minimal. !1
机译:摘要:在最近的一系列实验室测试中,新型的激光多普勒振动计(LDV)用于确定承受不断增加的反向循环载荷的混凝土柱的刚度退化。通常,在大多数情况下,由于地震引起的破坏,混凝土结构的刚度降低是显而易见的。不幸的是,在实验室中对那些遭受弯曲破坏的圆柱进行目视检查并没有像详细的实验模态分析调查那样直观地传达出刚度降低的印象。一些“不合格”的色谱柱仅表现出较小的表面裂纹。有几种技术可以评估“失效”混凝土结构中的损坏。固有频率确定技术就是其中之一。正如预期的那样,实验模态分析证实,随着更多损伤的产生,每个混凝土柱的固有频率会降低。因此,可以通过比较损坏前和损坏后的固有频率来确定结构的刚度退化。作为实验模态分析的替代方法,我们通过使用新型LDV进行的一系列抗弯和抗剪强度测试,报告了混凝土柱的刚度退化。在此应用中使用LDV的两个重要优点是:(1)该方法不引人注目,并且(2)所需的仪器最少。 !1



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