
Maximizing Diversity on Block-Fading Channels




This work considers the achievable diversity for coded systems appropriately characterized by a block-fading channel model. We are primarily interested in cases where the number of uncorrelated fading channel realizations(blocks) F, is small, so that ideal interleaving assumptions do not hold. This is usually the case in mobile radio systems which employ coded slow frequency-hopping such as the GSM system and its derivatives. We show that the diversity order is limited to a value less than or equal to F which depends on the code rate and the size of the signaling constellation. We report on the results of code searches for rate 1 convolutional codes for simple AM constellations, which show the minimum complexity needed to achieve maximum diversity. We also present computer simulations of some codes in order to determine the effect of code complexity on the frame and bit error-rate performance.
机译:这项工作考虑了以块衰落信道模型为特征的编码系统可实现的分集。我们主要关注的情况是,不相关的衰落信道实现(块)F的数量很小,因此理想的交织假设不成立。在采用编码慢速跳频的移动无线电系统中,例如GSM系统及其派生产品,通常是这种情况。我们表明,分集阶数限制为小于或等于F的值,该值取决于编码速率和信令星座图的大小。我们报告了针对简单AM星座的速率1 / n卷积码的代码搜索结果,这些结果显示了实现最大分集所需的最小复杂度。为了确定代码复杂度对帧和误码率性能的影响,我们还对某些代码进行了计算机仿真。



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