首页> 外文会议>Proceedings second joint China/USA chemical engineering conference >Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Process of Simultaneous Enzymatic Reaction and Chromatographic Separation

Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Process of Simultaneous Enzymatic Reaction and Chromatographic Separation




A general mathematical model was developed to simulate the process of simultaneous enzymatic reaction and chromatographic separation. The enzymatic hydrolyses of sucrose and penicillin G were selected as two typical reaction systems which take place in the mobile and the stationary phases, respectively, to study the coupling process. The theoretical analysis showed that the coupling process is more effective for eliminating the uncompetitive inhibition in comparison to the competitive one. Among three operating parameters of the substrate concentration, the pulse volume and the eluting velocity, the substrate conversion is most sensitive to the eluting velocity, whereas the productivity is most sensitive to the substrate concentration. The experimental results showed that the volume overload mode of operation is superior in substrate conversion to the concentration overload, while their difference in product separation extent is insignificant.



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