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18 Experimental study of toxic metal-sorbent reactions in a bench scale combustor




Toxic metals may enter a combustion chamber in many physical or chemical forms, for example, as a consitituent of a hazardous or municipal solid waste to be incincerated or as a trace quantity in coal. Control of toxic metal emissions from combustors is currently being stipulated by the U.S.EPA in the form of maximum achievable control technologies (MACT) for 11 metals (As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Se) and their compounds under Tile III of the 1990 Clean Air Amendments. However, this is a problematic proposition for volatile metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. Volatile metals introduced into a combustion device may enter the gas phase at combustor temperatures, and then as the temperature decreases downstream of the combustor, undergo nucleation to form a submicrometer sized aerosol that is not easily captured by conventional air pollution control equipment.~(1-3) Several researchers have proposed using builk solid sorbents in several geometries (packed bed, fluidized bed, and dry sorbent injection) and have demonstrated the potential to effectively remove metals from an air stream by means of chemisorption.~(4-8) Chemisorption is preferred over physisorption because the metals may become environmentally immobile when chemistored by certain materials.~7 Equuilibrium calculations have been performed for a number of toic metals reacting with sorbents to establishe the relative effectivess of various sorbents.~9
机译:有毒金属可能以许多物理或化学形式进入燃烧室,例如,被焚化的危险或城市固体废物的成分或煤中的痕量金属。 USEPA目前以对11种金属(As,Be,Cd,Co,Cr,Hg,Mn,Ni,Pb,Sb,和Se)及其化合物根据1990年《清洁空气修正案》第III款进行处理。然而,对于诸如汞,铅和镉的挥发性金属而言,这是一个有问题的主张。引入燃烧装置的挥发性金属可能会在燃烧器温度下进入气相,然后随着温度在燃烧器下游降低而成核,形成亚微米级的气溶胶,这是常规空气污染控制设备不易捕获的。〜(1 -3)一些研究人员建议在多种几何结构(填充床,流化床和干法吸附剂注入)中使用固体吸附剂,并证明了通过化学吸附有效去除气流中金属的潜力。〜(4-8)化学吸附比物理吸附更可取,因为金属通过某些材料进行化学处理后可能会变成环境不动。〜7已经对许多与吸附剂反应的toic金属进行了平衡计算,以确定各种吸附剂的相对有效性。〜9



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